What are your beauty credentials? I have worked in the beauty industry for 12 years now – writing, shooting, assisting brands with product development and helping international brands find the right positioning in India. My last three jobs have been Managing Editor-Vogue India, Beauty Director-Marie Claire India and Beauty Editor-Cosmopolitan India, through which I have met, worked and studied with some of the world’s top skincare experts, hairstylists, makeup artists, perfume creators, photographers and models.
Why should I read this blog? What makes it different? As the tagline goes, this is blog about ‘real beauty’. By this, I mean that I won’t be selling you the benefits of products that clearly have no benefits in real life or talking about impossible feats (three pins and an Angelina Jolie chignon – forget it!). I can do this because, unlike most magazines, this blog does not need to bow down to advertisers. What I will be doing is keeping you updated on the latest trends, products and happenings in the world of beauty, while giving honest, no-holds-barred reviews and loads of tips and tricks to keep you looking gorgeous!
If my brand wants to you to feature or review a product or service, how do we go about it? Just mail me on anubha@anubhacharan.com with the product details and I will get back to you on whether it fits into the blog’s profile. If it does, we will discuss further logistics, like samples for review, pix, expert opinions and so on. There is no fees for reviews or placements – you will never see anything I don’t actually like in the blog for the sake of a buck.
How can we partner with your blog? Promotions, interviews, giveaways… the list is endless. Please contact me for details at anubha@anubhacharan.com
Danniel Nicole says
I recently came across your blog and was so inspired by your “About Me” section. It’s so admirable that you’re following what makes YOU happy! I’m trying to do that myself and it’s definitely not easy, so thank you for being a strong woman to look up to. 🙂
I can’t wait to read more of your posts!
Anubha Charan says
Hi Danniel, thanks so so much for the lovely words. Yes! It’s definitely not easy but the sheer joy of finally being able to do what we love cancels out the struggle, doesn’t it?? I love love love your blog – is there any way I can subscribe to it?
Danniel Nicole says
I completely agree! 🙂
Of course you can, I’d be thrilled to have you subscribe! There should be a “Follow” link at the very top of the page when you’re signed into WordPress. If you don’t see it, I’ll be adding a “Follow by Email” link to the side bar shortly.
Lina says
What a treat to find your website via Pinterest. I’m thoroughly enjoying your entries, candor and humor.
A few girlfriends of mine and I have been talking about what products we use that actually -really- work. The list is short.
Budget is important to me, so I’ve been using the Drug Store brand: Neutrogena, some Garnier and Loreal. And my big splurge (I ask for Christmas and my birthday) are Clarins products.
I’m just 39 and feel like I should really start using products that will do something. What are your favorites and what do you recommend?
anubha says
Hi Lina, glad you like the blog 🙂 And 39 is definitely a good age to start using something a bit more heavy duty (though I am a HUGE fan of both Neutrogena and Garnier) because what we do to our skin now shows up 3-4 years later. Would be able to advice better if you could give me some idea of your skin type and if you have any particular things you want to tackle, like dryness/oiliness/fine lines/adult acne/sun spots etc?