Throwing back to this gem of an infographic — which is the very definition of fat shaming — by The Modern Man.
It’s titled 10 Reasons Why Men Don’t Find Fat Women Attractive and has some superb body shaming revelations like:
- She looks like “used goods”
- She lowers a man’s social status
- Her diet costs a lot of money
- She would likely be a selfish relationship partner
- She is probably lazy
- She doesn’t have the entire package that men look for in a woman
Now, I have been known to tip the scales a bit on the wrong side but exactly how does that make me “selfish”?
And what about the fact that “fat” issues are not always about what you eat but oftentimes due to medical reasons such as thyroid imbalances, hormonal fluctuations, polycystic ovaries, certain kinds of medication… I could go on and on and on and on.
And don’t even get me started on things like “used goods” and “social status”.
Really? Do I need to even expound on these further or are they just self-explanatorily DISGUSTING?
I think this body shaming infographic is not just offensive to fat women but actually to all women in general.
In fact, I think it’s even offensive to men because seriously, what would you think about a man who subscribes to this school of thought? And do all men really think like this?
Please weigh in on the issue in the comments box… do you find this infographic offensive? Or is it merely stating the truth?
In the meantime, please excuse me while I go lower my husband’s social status by a few notches. And have him spend all his money on my diet (incidentally, if a woman is thin, would you just assume that she spends all her husband’s money on gym classes?).
After all, the idiot deserves it for still staying with me… right?
Anubha Charan is a powerhouse in the luxury beauty industry, with over 15 years of expertise shaping the global beauty narrative. As the former Beauty Director at Marie Claire, she worked with the magazine's French headquarters to craft cutting-edge beauty content for international audiences.
Anubha's bylines have appeared in some of the world’s most prestigious publications, including Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Travel + Leisure, WebMD, and Architectural Digest. She is also the co-author of Paris Bath & Beauty, a Simon & Schuster book on French beauty rituals.
Cali says
That’s absolutly awful. Those kind of sites are full or “male rights activists” and “Nice Guys” who demand perfection from women, only wanting them to be hot, while they’re not exactly a catch themselves.
Christopher Ray says
It is absolutely true. Obese women are lazy, overeating, and disgusting looking. They age faster, have more health issues, and tend to be self centered.
I one time in a bar made the mistake of talking to an obese woman because I felt sorry for her that she was alone. She continued to demand that I buy her drinks and give her money even as I was leaving the bar. The only words I have for her is that it is obvious why she is alone. And I can tell you about plenty of people who I have seen be around obese women. All of those women put themselves into their own bodies, they do fucked up things and wonder why no one wants to speak with them anymore, and they never stop to think what they did wrong in life.
Yes, dating a fat woman does lower your status as a man and YOU should know that. If you saw a guy dating a fat girl and they broke up say a week later, you would not be dating him (unless you are fat yourself) due to your own subconscious perception of his lower status for dating a fat girl. So let’s at least be honest about that.
More over your buddies think less of you for dating a fat girl. Believe me, I am a guy and whenever I meet a friend’s wife or girlfriend and find out she is fat, I subconsciously think less of him too.
I have not met an obese woman who did not fit that general mold. The truth hurts, mainly because it is the truth. You want to help these women out, take the bon-bons away from them and get them hitting the treadmill.
Aquarius Moon says
I haven’t read any of the replies to your comments but if there’re any, you’re bound to be shamed, verbally abused and insulted for your opinion, which you’re entitled to.
It’s based on your own experiences so they have no right to tell you what to think. I’ve met nice and nasty fat people. The nice ones became my friends, the nasties just continue to be nasty.
Queen Natasha says
You are right about that every body have different style not all fat people are selfish you see the last time I saw my fat neigbour doing work out I knew the reason why but I had to ask her why she said that people at her college are avoiding and moking her then a mean student told her that nobody wants to talk to her all because she is fat so I told her that she doesn’t have to kill her self all because of a look God knows the reason why he made her like that but she didn’t listen a week later some part of her body was hurting her all in the name of fat she was still fat and also hurt so please stop discriminating between fat and slim it has hurt people emotionally and physically
Lennert Cornette says
‘God knows the reason why he made her like that’ Euhm what. God makes her eating way too much?
People should do something about them being fat rather than be insulted.
I’ve got hair on my shoulders. I shave it off and don’t expect or even demand women to find it attractive.
That’s how life is.
will says
I’ll bet you are no queen.
John Smith says
Beauty beliefs aside I find chronic obesity unattractive from a standpoint of all the subtle things it says about a persons values, charachter, work ethic, abilitt for self control, self discipline, and ability to idk share in maybe a hobby or two of mine. Physiological looks aside because every culture and person has their own ideas of beauty and i dont care what others think on that. Yes I understand that not all obese people check all the boxes I listed but there is a high ebough correlation on a lot of them to where I will not waste my time on someone who quite frankly fabricates a plethora of excuses for their behavior and lack of change. Yes some people have medical reasons for obesity but it really is a small percentage of people who have these things. Unless of course they have allowed themselves to reach an extremely large weight in which they have 2,3,400% increases in their likelihood of developing the health issues that prevent them from changing their situation. I dont think we should shame fat based on looks. But people honestly need to get real with the health aspect of avoiding chronic obesity at a young age when possible and stop creating excuses for not changing. At that point it really is on the individual to choose how they want to live. And yes it is somewhat selfish to expect medical care to jist shoulder the lifting burden of your weight because you didn’t choose to do something about it. CNAs have a 3x higher musculoskeletal injury rate than consteuction workers. But I guess society today is right to pay them barely anything and give them crap health care. then toss them aside when they injure themselves after being staffed short for the 3rd shift in a row and being forced to lift the extra 100-150 lbs on 5 extra patients a day because the numvers obly jeep increasing.
Paul Harris says
Victim Victim Victim…….playing the victim card and not accepting responsibility. Blaming your obesity on God is so so so wrong………OMG….Be responsible and make those hard decisions to do the right thing!!!
Queen Natasha says
You are right about that every body have different style not all fat people are selfish you see the last time I saw my fat neigbour doing work out I knew the reason why but I had to ask her why she said that people at her college are avoiding and moking her then a mean student told her that nobody wants to talk to her all because she is fat so I told her that she doesn’t have to kill her self all because of a look God knows the reason why he made her like that but she didn’t listen a week later some part of her body was hurting her all in the name of fat she was still fat and also hurt so please stop discriminating between fat and slim it has hurt people emotionally and physically
PerfectWomen says
I hope you’ll getting fatter until you won’t be lose any weight and lonelier because a fuck boys like you don’t deserve to be living in this world. You want a perfect women, I’m sorry because we’re not perfect. Go hang your self in the ceiling maybe when you’ll reborn on a new century you will find one or you will never been reborn and you’re crying beneath the hell.
Bon says
Jesus, what is wrong with you
Paul Harris says
Proves women, ALL women are born 45 % crazy!!! And that is probably a conservative percentage!!!!
Lennert says
Haven’t you noticed that sometimes there are 10 commments at the same time and all of them are women? It’s just a female troll who has different accounts or just uses friends to write retarded comments.
Renae says
Please get new material, you seem to be the troll with the same comments over and over and over again. Paul, apparently, has to deal with his fat girl, lol. Ironic, right??
Renae says
Reposting what Paul Harris stated:
I feel your pain my friend, My other half has ballooned from 110 lbs to 215lbs over the years while I remain within 12 pounds of my weight when we met and presently at 152. I exercise and watch what I eat. SHE goes from chair to couch watching TV or playing online gaming sites while munching on chips and eating
ice cream right from the container. Encouragement to change is met with “love me the way I am” BS fat people say as a cop-out to actually doing something that requires work and determination to become fit and HEALTHY!! FAT IS UGLY……FACE THAT FACT and DO the work it takes to become HEALTHY in body AND MIND>
Shannon Bailey says
hahaha you all sound nuts. I just ate a whole candy bar while reading this.
Emily says
Lmao!! Love it
Captn Wade says
I can size this whole thing up by listing the reality of the way the fucking world works here.
1. No self respecting man is going to choose to date or be with a fat woman. We all(men and women) go thru life making effort to avoid people we wouldn’t date, and trying to avoid a boring relationship.
2. Fat women resent the social stigma that being fat brings, but they don’t do anything about it. It all boils down to what is easiest, and they choose the easy path. Fat people are lazy. Eating less(which would have PREVENTED ALL THIS is more difficult than just pigging out.
3. This is the single best point, and is absolutely irrefutable and a concrete fucking fact> YOU CANNOT GET FAT UNLESS YOU EAT ENOUGH TO GET FAT. PERIOD. People who have medical conditions that can cause weight gain KNEW THEY HAD WHATEVER IT WAS. KNEW THEY WERE GETTING FAT. KNEW PEOPLE WERE GONNA OSTRACIZE THEM FOR IT, BUT THEY KEPT RIGHT ON STUFFING THEIR FACE. PEOPLE WHO HAVE MEDICAL CONDITIONS, GLANDULAR PROBLEMS OR WHATEVER FAD EXCUSE THEY WANNA LIST, HAD A DOCTOR TELL THEM ALL ABOUT IT. These folks should have been DOUBLY cautious about their food intake. They KNEW they had a medical issue that makes weight gain possible. Yet, they did nothing… because just saying fuck it, I’m gonna eat whatever I want” is the easy way to go. Lazy. Don’t give a fuck about themselves or others around them who have to put up with their bad habits affecting those nearby by rising costs, trying to get around them and putting up with their attitude when normal people don’t wanna be around them.
4. People who consume more than someone needs to live well, get fat. This does several things to the environment, our healthcare system and our cost of living.
The environment suffers when we manufacture, distill, burn and/or dump trash. People who use or consume twice as much as everybody else, cause way more trash generation than everybody else.
Our healthcare system is staggering under the weight of all the unhealthy fat fuckers in this country, driving up the price of health care tremendously for all the rest of us. I have ZERO sympathy for fat fuckers. They did it to themselves, they have not a leg to stand on when it comes to a viable reason for this, they are just gluttons. All of them..fat slobby disgusting gluttons.
End of story. Know what the craziest part is? Every one of them knows this is absolutely true. But they don’t wanna admit it. Fuckem.
Anon says
By telling them to go get fat as a punishment is admitting to yourself that being fat is bad and that it is not an ideal position you, yourself, want to be in. Truth hurts, don’t it? Also you called yourself Perfectwoman but just apologized for not being perfect, which as an apology again signifies that you feel bad that you have not fit the ideal. If you did not feel bad being how you were, you would not apologize or wish someone else to live in your shoes as punishment.
paul says
WOW……talk about hateful!!! Cripes you have some serious issues besides weight. Good Luck!!!
Lennert Cornette says
Love this comment. It shows how inflated egos of women don’t correspond with reality. When men are honest women go nuts because all their female friends have been telling them how beautiful they are.
Rollo Tomassi says
You must be a fat negro talking like that which would be like the 3rd thing thats wrong with you. Dam it man. You give black girls a bad look. Your comment only shows that you are a venerial minded disease…
Ian Renteria says
You women are the ones demanding everything from us. You guys say we have to be tall, handsome, not fat, nice, not cheat, have money to support you material greed, and the list goes fucking on. All we say is don’t treat us like shit and don’t be fat. The moment someone says they are under 5 foot you bitches run away but the moment we say we don’t like women over 200 pounds you guys get offended to no end. Nobody is perfect except god but all we ask is that you are not an asshole or fat, because if you are fat you are usually always another plethora of bad things shown in the article and if you mean combined with being fat your just simply a waste of oxygen. I don’t hope you burn but I do hope your way of thinking and responding with immature comments changes.
Shelia Stephens says
Phuck fat women says
Fat women don’t have a right to an opinion on our opinions of fat women so blow yourself finger yourself but nobody that looks like me will ever touch you and that’s a guarantee
Captn Wade says
Oh, whatever. Reading shit like you just posted to that guy just validates everything we say about you fat fucks. OH MY GOD it’s nice to not be you.
Dehlia R Wright says
You might consider learning how to write and construct sentences in order to make your hatefulness easier to comprehend.
amanda says
Wow, your prejudiced and wrong. I was a size two to four most of my life. People usually told me I had to gain weight. I went on medication years ago and I gained over a hundred pounds. I’m still losing it but you need to know women are human beings no matter what weight they are.
As far as you saying a ” fat ” woman lowering a man’s social status? The people that judge him are wrong anyway. Your missing out on that people are people, and their beauty is not determined on their size. You may miss out on wonderful friendships and a romantic relationship because you didn’t like how heavy they are.
People are beautiful no matter what size they are. A healthy lifestyle is important but honestly, look at what really matters in life. You made “a mistake of talking to an obese woman”? Maybe she individually was pushy, but it doesn’t mean other obese women are going to be the same way.
You think less of your friends if their wives or girlfriends are heavy? Why are you like this, how did you get superficial like this?
I was a size two to four most of my life and I was underweight, after I gained it I noticed men didn’t open doors for me anymore, and I heard comments about my weight. The same men would have been kind to me if they saw me when I was a size two, it’s ridiculous. Don’t be like that anymore. Ask Jesus Christ to guide you because your missing out.
rob says
Wow, your prejudiced and wrong. I was a size two to four most of my life. People usually told me I had to gain weight. I went on medication years ago and I gained over a hundred pounds. I’m still losing it but you need to know women are human beings no matter what weight they are.
As far as you saying a ” fat ” woman lowering a man’s social status? The people that judge him are wrong anyway. Your missing out on that people are people, and their beauty is not determined on their size. You may miss out on wonderful friendships and a romantic relationship because you didn’t like how heavy they are.
People are beautiful no matter what size they are. A healthy lifestyle is important but honestly, look at what really matters in life. You made “a mistake of talking to an obese woman”? Maybe she individually was pushy, but it doesn’t mean other obese women are going to be the same way.
You think less of your friends if their wives or girlfriends are heavy? Why are you like this, how did you get superficial like this?
I was a size two to four most of my life and I was underweight, after I gained it I noticed men didn’t open doors for me anymore, and I heard comments about my weight. The same men would have been kind to me if they saw me when I was a size two, it’s ridiculous. Don’t be like that anymore. Ask Jesus Christ to guide you because your missing out.
fred says
>>Wow, your prejudiced and wrong.
Was he prejudiced? I think so. But wrong? In some parts, maybe, but for the most part he’s right.
>>… but you need to know women are human beings no matter what weight they are.
Exactly! Human beings can be a multitude of things, good, bad, nice, mean, fat, skinny. So there is no reason to protect obese people from anything if they are a human like any other. Nobody is saying fat people are sub-human. They’re saying that they’re generally not fun to deal with because of hang ups.
You can’t say an ever-green forest isn’t an ever-green forest because theres a couple palm trees. Don’t give me that “But I know a really nice fat girl!”. Do you understand the meaning of generally? Generally means “for the most part”. “for the most part means” NOT ALL.
>>As far as you saying a ” fat ” woman lowering a man’s social status?
Men may not want respect going all over the place but last thing I need is come across like I’m settling or giving up. I don’t need a super hot skinny stick of a person but I don’t want people thinking I’m lazy for being next to someone who clearly doesn’t exercise or made good choices in her life (if wheel chair bound then perhaps free pass)
>>Your missing out on that people are people, and their beauty is not determined on their size.
Beauty is not determined by size? Bullshit. I have yet to see a huge influx of tall women dating short men. Its almost UNHEARD OF! Let’s not pretend that women don’t have preferences too. Nothings wrong with a fat lady dating a nice looking man, but don’t get your panties all knotted up only 400lb+ people want to hang out with you or something. or what, they’re not good enough for you? What the heck?
>You may miss out on wonderful friendships and a romantic relationship because you didn’t like how heavy they are.
I can’t date someone based on just looks. That’s not realistic. But to make it sound like looks play no part in choosing mates is ridiculous. And nobody said anyone is opposed to becoming friends with fat people. Who even said that. But you know what, fat people tend to do their own thing. Like they may not go hiking or want to eat a lot or only watch movies. Guess what? Thats just fine. But thats not gonna interest the guys who go rock climbing and … use their body. And people who use their body look attractive. Coincidence?
>>People are beautiful no matter what size they are.
Yes and no. People are fine the way they are. Yes. That doesn’t mean you want to associate with them or have them as romantic partners. Attraction can’t be manufactured.
>>A healthy lifestyle is important but honestly, look at what really matters in life. You made “a mistake of talking to an obese woman”? Maybe she individually was pushy, but it doesn’t mean other obese women are going to be the same way.
Sure, I can agree with this somewhat. I have had terrible experiences with bitter fat women because I wouldnt “hook up” with them but that doesnt mean I hate fat women, i just wouldnt date one.
>>You think less of your friends if their wives or girlfriends are heavy?
Of course not, unless they are like beyond 40 BMI, in which case of course I dont want to be around them…. just like how I dont want to be around a skeleton girl thats throwing up all the time and weak and tired and never wants to enjoy a meal…. HELL NO!
Listen, there is nothing morally wrong with being fat but if you make personal choices to eat lots and move less, you get what you sow. If you’re bed ridden or can’t walk (first) which lead you to be non-active then sure, thats not easy. But still, nobody is forcing you to put anything in your face at gun point.
Just like how a car cannot run on gasoline, a body cannot get fat if its not eating something.
you just cant inflate into a human balloon while starving lost in a desert.
Lennert Cornette says
It baffles me how women deny fat isn’t beautiful? It’s insane, if you are a small guy you have zero chance on dating a taller girl, yet when men don’t want to date fat women it’s being criticized ? I’m tall and fit because I do lots of sport and eat healthy so yes I want a fit girl too.
Nothing wrong with the picture in the article.
Astaria_Rex says
Um, my husband is shorter than most men, and I am taller than most women. He is 5 foot 8, and I am 6 foot 2. You guys really need to grow up. Looks mean nothing after a certain age. We are in our late 30s and married in our late 20s Health is important, not BMI.BNI is actually flawed (since it only accounts for a 2d object) humans are 3d. Get a life.
paul harris says
If looks do not matter to you after a certain age what the heck are you doing on this site. It is ALL ABOUT staying fit and healthy to live the best life you can!!!! That starts with a healthy weight so you can be more active and not put undo stress on your body and CREATE health related issues/diseases. If you think about it, all we are trying to do is help you and give some much needed tough love to fat people.
Looks don’t matter after a certain age is a ridiculous statement and just ANOTHER asinine excuse for ordering the stuffed baked potato with extra cheese and butter. You keep putting that type of food(?) in anyone’s body and the results are always unhealthy.
Slartibartfast says
Palm trees are evergreen lol.
The Truth says
No one wants to tell the truth.OK, I will. I work for a fashion magazine. The two types of models that will get me fired if I use them? 1) A black woman. 2)A fat woman.
Lennert Cornette says
It’s been proven that when larger women are put on the covers, the magazines aren’t bought as much. Guess who buys the magazines? Lots of women don’t want to see someone large, they often want ‘unrealistic’ things. Same with their standards for men.
Jen says
You speak to one in a bar, in a bar!
Yes like you know most of nice people on bars on bars must are like that. Fat or skinny, live longer know more people. Then you will have more knowledge of some people but there not an absolutely true about any group of peoples, I know super fun, funny, heartfull and unselfish overweigh people and yes some are not like that but say degorate comments over a group of people only show your lack of knowledge and how far you judge others Bcuz in fact you are insecure enough to think someone else could complete you or are on your level, like there such thing! Grown up!
Paul Harris says
Jen……dear lord…… is called spellcheck…….and use English the way it was meant to be used. Besides being fat you obviously have no communication skills. Go back to square one and try again. Good luck dear!!!!
Jen says
And lower your status, that’s how not an alpha male are not, you or any insecure male like you, you know homosapien, that are from the monkey family, do you notice how alpha males are arround males? yes males and males are after them, why bcuz alpha in homosapiens are the same alpha male is arround males and when you see a true alpha you saw him follow by others males, yes! So they don’t really on females to establish their dominance, of course this society is full of nonsense that make you buy stuff do stuff, and prey on ingnorant, yes ignorant bcuz an alpha don’t need do deal with all drama bullshit you just say, so those who sell you stuff prey on the things you never will, and yes you think if you are with a female others may desire you will look as a better male, in fact for people that know more than you and alphas you look like an unconfident wanna be alpha male, making foul of your self try to be something you are not, and that’s how this society if not working exactly well bcuz there a lot none alpha males on jobs as bosses and there a big mess arround then. So don’t try to be something you are not, you will never be that, be what you are, and don’t think others will make you look better bcuz that is simply stupid.
Pamela Trusty says
Ummmm… I know PLENTY of Thin people that do messed up things and are selfish and demand that guys buy them everything while flirting then tease them…. Also…I know PLENTY of heavy people that are sweet and warm and caring and would sacrifice for others even while getting hurt. Also… there are people whose metabolisms are messed up from disorders and can have a very hard time with food and weight while watching thin people stuff themselves with food, drink,etc and never gain a pound. By the way, the attitude you are displaying is no better a quality than your “perception” about fat people’s personality issues. Being overweight itself is Not a sin, and you have to Assume the person is living in “your perception” of gluttony, which you DON’T know.. BUT… Your judgmental and demeaning attitude IS a sin You revealed yourself. But all these sins can be forgiven in Jesus Christ who gave His life as a ransom for sin. Believe in Him. He cleanses and forgives and fills us with the Holy Spirit and then we can live a life loving people.
Zukovksy says
All I can say is that besides what you said was rude, it is true in mot cases.
Some women (fat of course) demand to men to change their beauty standards but only men they consider handsome.
Let’s face it, if a man is fat, he has his options limited to a very low chance (unless he have money) and if you want to date pretty girls you have to start eating healthy and workout.
It is wrong to “normalize” obesity, considering it is a decease one that kills millions a year.
Pam says
Well.. you can’t judge all by some. There are hormonal disorders that cause the body to hold on to weight even when a woman is not eating as much as thin people. Also.. not all are self centered or would reject a man because of looks. And further more.. alcohol,, smoking, drugs, illicit sex, and other lifestyle issues that the pedestaled thin, good looking people many times get involved in Also are not desirable qualities and those kill too. It is NOT possible to rightly judge someone’s character by their weight(due to many factors involving metabolism, set point, hormones, etc) and not somewhat be hypocritical because Every one has a sin struggle in one way or another which is why Jesus came to save. Just because you don’t struggle with food which just happens to show up for every one to see; does not mean that you are perfect or that you don’t closet some hidden sin that others can’t see. It is socially acceptable for people to ask others to refrain from smoking or drinking around them so they won’t be tempted but it is Not acceptable socially to ask others to refrain from eating certain foods in front of them. The obese person should not have to be expected by people to exhibit MORE discipline than the thin alcoholic, smoker or addict or else be shamed when the other addictions get counted as a disease and people get a free ride to get help while not having to be around tempting substances.
Lennert Cornette says
The ‘disorders’ and illnesses etc is estimated at about 0,05% of all fat people, yet all fat people use this excuse.
Paul Harris says
I feel your pain my friend, My other half has ballooned from 110 lbs to 215lbs over the years while I remain within 12 pounds of my weight when we met and presently at 152. I exercise and watch what I eat. SHE goes from chair to couch watching TV or playing online gaming sites while munching on chips and eating
ice cream right from the container. Encouragement to change is met with “love me the way I am” BS fat people say as a cop-out to actually doing something that requires work and determination to become fit and HEALTHY!! FAT IS UGLY……FACE THAT FACT and DO the work it takes to become HEALTHY in body AND MIND> says
Then you should leave her if you feel that way. You’re probably still with her because she’s probably supporting your sorry ass. I hope she gets in shape & dumps your nasty ass
Renee says
Then why don’t you leave her if you truly feel this way? Why stay & be miserable? Oh…could it be that she is supporting your sorry ass & you’re too much of a mooch & coward to leave? You never know, you may be doing her the favor if you leave? Maybe she’s too nice to dump you because she feels sorry for you? You don’t sound like much of a man, a boy? Yes. A man? No and certainly not an alpha male, which is really what most women desire. So, it says that you are currently at 152? And with 12 pounds of your weight when you first met. Ether way, doesn’t add up to much of a man. Definitely not alpha. I feel sorry for your girl to have to be with a miserable little boy as yourself. Bet you that she wears the pants in your house & you’re nothing but a sniveling pathetic little boy who can’t make up his own mind. You’re the problem, not the solution
Abomb says
Well said my friend.
Phillip says
Your wrong Mr. Ray on all accounts, and there is only one reason why everything you said is not true, your entire position is based on your views, experience, and personal preference combined with a deliberate descion to only associate and except social identity that agrees with your own ideas for the way life is.
The only example that you said that convinced me your your statement is opinion over fact is this
“More over your buddies think less of you for dating a fat girl.”
These are not buddies. And more so what kinda friend looks down on you for your own descions that you make for yourself, especially if it’s about a woman who isn’t one they are dating?
Look we all have a right to different interest, the world works better that way. And you have every right to date who you like. So as you said “be honest” I will, I find obese women attractive and I find fat women who like to eat and be lazy charming.
It’s not to change your mind, it’s to ask you to have integrity that social standing is almost explicit to opinion which change like the weather.
Plus for some reason I feel your not that big of jerk, at least I want to think that
Lennert Cornette says
Kind of interesting that when men use stats to prove something about women, women and white knights like to dismiss them and use anecdotal stories and think they trump the stats with it. When there are stats about men who are getting debunked, men can’t use anecdotal stories as counter proof? Strange….
I’m 30 years old and I can still count the fat people (men too) who try to do something about their weight one one hand. They ARE very lazy. A bit weird to deny that. 99,99% of fat people gets fat because of eating to much and not exercising, so how can it be untrue that they are lazy?
It’s also very annoying how many fat women (and men) aim way too high, why would a fit person want a fat person? Women do have the luck that there are plenty of guys who like thick women. Unless you are rich, no woman wants a fat guy.
KarenCuntBitchHoe says
What actually lowers a mans status is men’s behaviors such as becoming priests and boyscout leaders and molesting children. Raping and pillaging villages and producing fatherless children in the name of war. Searching the internet of under age girls to take advantage of. You guys are shit and you know it so you have to distract women by making them feel ashamed of there size no matter what there size. If your going to generalize women based on their weight your free to you opinion. I’m also free to have my opinion that men are shit and continue to fuck up this world.
Lennert Cornette says
Guys: memorize this. This is the reason why you should never marry. Too many crazy feminazi’s everywhere. Problem is they often hide it and the monster comes out when it’s too late and you fell into her trap.
Renae says
I’m guessing you’re not married? No girlfriend & live in your moms basement? Kind of sounds like it, anyway. Let me ask: do you also coward when a woman challenges you? I’m going to guess that yes! You do. Are you even real? Seems like a troll latching on to other ppls coat tails, adding nothing of value at all
Patrick Lawson says
So if you do take away the bon bons & have them hitting the treadmill, as you say, how does that help their selfishness? How does that help them correct the ‘fucked up things that they do to themselves’? And how does that make them stop & think about what they have done wrong in their life, AND even try to correct that? And how does that help her to REALLY gain the ‘self worth’ that society has taken from her?
It seems to me, that having a man around with YOUR thoughts & fucked up opinions are the problems with the world, not the solution. People like you should not be allowed to reproduce; obviously, you bring nothing of value to the table.
Lisa says
While reading this article and “views” of some of these “men”, as a plus size lady, I had to respond. First, I’m educated, I’m not ugly and I’m not “used goods”. I’m in a healthy, committed relationship with a good man. He does not support me, I have my own job, my car is paid for and I own my own house. A man has never supported me and I’ve never depended on a man’s support. I’m not a mean or selfish person, as a matter of fact, I’ve been told that I give too much. That being said, I want to reach out to the plus size girl who is probably reading this article and feeling even more horrible by the second. A WOMAN, plus size or otherwise DOES NOT NEED A MAN’S VALIDATION. I’m convinced that some of these responses from these ‘men’ is nothing but garbage and if a man starts saying these things to a woman, plus size or otherwise, please run away from the garbage that he is saying. These comments are exactly how men try to control women. If he is saying these things to you, he is not confident in himself. You don’t need a boy and you don’t need a man, but if you choose, please choose the man and not the little pissy boy saying horrible things to you. Men have been saying things like this about women from the beginning of time. It has to stop. Men like this bring nothing to the table, NOTHING. A real man will love you for you, not how much you weigh, what you eat or if you run a 20 mile marathon. Be with a person who uplifts you and brings you happiness and joy. These type of comments are what is wrong with the world today and it’s been men who have lead us this far. We do not need men like this in today’s society, these type of men are what has made history. Let’s keep them there & not give much thought into their ridiculous comments.
Captn Wade says
Yeah, and in spite of all that, men prefer healthy women and women prefer healthy men. These people make healthy kids. Diet is part of the things you control to remain healthy. You can say all the shit you want about how you or any woman “don’t need men” and you are independent and all and it doesn’t change a fucking thing. Nobody healthy prefers an unhealthy person as a mate. UNLESS they are in the same boat. When you see two fat people that are a couple, it’s because they couldn’t attract a thin person and they know that person isn’t gonna judge them or call them fat. Ever sit on the porch and watch groups of folks walk by? Notice that people of the same physical type hang out in groups, especially fat chicks. Cuz they don’t wanna be judged. Hot chicks hang out with hot chicks, athletic men hang out with other athletic men, nerds hang out with nerds, etc. Every now and then, you see a DUFF, because she knows hot chicks attract hot guys and she’s hoping she’ll get lucky. I have always dated hot, skinny fun chicks that like to show off. I enjoy that and yes, it does elevate my social status, especially in the business world. It’s a thrill to go hot tubbing, nude beaching, skinny dipping, sex clubbing, etc, with these sexy, healthy, skinny women and fat chicks can’t do these things(but they wish they could) because someone would see their flab and be disgusted. And you can’t take them with you either, because something always happens to the fat chicks so we don’t end up going to the place she can’t go, or everybody’s uncomfortable because she’s outside sitting in the car while we’re all getting it on in a hot tub. Fat chicks are useless. just bloody useless.
Renae says
CHRISTOPHER RAY, LENNERT CORNETT, PAUL HARRIS and ANY MAN WHO AGREES WITH THESE PPL: I feel sorry for any woman who is involved with you and your arrogant, one sided, ignorant, narrow-minded, cowardice, 16th century ‘views’. Obviously you are boys-not real men and certainly not alpha males, which most women prefer. You all seem like very weak men who have issues with strong women. You probably don’t know how to satisfy a women-physically, emotionally or any other way; therefore, you try to control her by talking down to her and all women. You see women as inferior to you, when in reality, you’re the ones that are inferior. You all are probably momma’s boys who have been raised by a strong woman and never grew into manhood, because you’re still clinging to her. WOMEN DO NOT NEED YOUR VALIDATION. You are the ones with issues. You need to fix yourselves and do society a favor in doing that. YOUR OPINIONS HOLD NO VALUE because they come from such a narrow minded 16th century male point of view. That’s where your opinions need to stay-in the 16th century. I’m sure modern women merely tolerate your incompetence. You bring nothing to any discussion. When you open your mouths, everyone can see the ignorance that you spew. So, why not do everyone a favor: shut your mouth, get the professional help you need & stop playing with yourselves. We don’t need men like you. We don’t want men like you. We don’t like men like you. You are irrelevant. We want better!
paul Harris says
RENAE!!!!!!! You just keep justifying our words. ALL women are born 45% crazy and they virtually always play the victim in a relationship gone bad and use over eating as a way to cope. Poor poor pitiful you!!! Thanks for proving the men on here are correct in their comments. Good job!!! PS: Stay on the meds that help you from getting 100% crazy
Lennert says
Awww. You’re fat yourself.
Renae says
PAUL!!!! Still brought nothing to this conversation & just keep proving the point. Blah, blah, blah. Does your fat girl know how you really feel about her, or is she good enough to keep supporting the pathetic mess you seem to be? You probably back down from her every time you challenge her, you’re nothing but a sniveling little boy. I feel sorry for her, that’s probably why she eats-to get the hell away from you. I hope she loses weight, gets in great shape and then dumps your ass. I hope she finds a man who treats her right & that has a bigger dick & a bigger bank account than you. Cheers! I hope you get exactly what you deserve.
Renae says
Aww, and you’re a mommas boy. Isn’t that sweet?!? Why not go get an original thought? You keep repeating yourself on every post-it’s tiresome & boring
ClearDay says
When you read comments like this you realize the infographic left out defensive and no class. You are correct that you don’t need a boy or a man to tell you that you are fat, as the mirror does that for free. There is nothing positive, healthy or acceptable for anyone, not suffering from a rare thyroid or hormonal condition, to eat more calories than they need or not move enough to display a minimal amount of tone or fitness. In your most reflective moment you are not ok with your weight and body image, a that is reinforced by your aggressive tone and push back. As Shakespeare would observe, “me thinks thou protests too much”. If your unhappy with your body image than do something about it and stop pretending that it is ok or that you really believe it is ok. The fundamental truth is that the vast majority of boys, girls, men and women find obesity unattractive at the very least. And while your are right that individuals should focus on and value the inner you… that in itself is no excuse for actively working to make the outer you less than desirable to look at. Because for the vast majority of people it takes work to become fat and stay fat. And as the wise person would observe, becoming fat is not something that happened over night, and surely not something you yourself found attractive as you were trading up clothing sizes.
Jcruz says
Some people do find it moving up in dress sizes attractive 🙂
paul Harris says
Good reply Clearday. I am tired of all the excuses females give for being fat and overweight. Being the victim is the new norm and those women seem to have latched on to that mindset that it is not their fault for looking the way they do. Department stores have not helped the matter either. Target has a large(no pun) section of the store devoted to and celebrating the fat and obese women shoppers. PLEASE… scars my eyes to see those large mannequins and ads on the wall of large nasty women. Save money on models and just dress up a big juicy pork chop or loaded baked potato. At least that will not scar my eyes.
Katie Lawson says
It’s so ironic that here we are talking about fat women and the only pigs here are the men
Lennert says
We can call you elephants too, if prefered.
Katie Lawson says
You don’t know me at all, I was making a general comment. You just proved the point-pig. Who really what ppl like you really have to say. Have a good day!
Captn Wade says
Katie, you say that like we’re supposed to be offended? Pig? Really? When I see folks like you having no valid reply, so they degenerate to name calling, I know we obliterated any point you tried to make. You CANNOT GET FAT UNLESS YOU ATE ENOUGH TO GET FAT. Everything in life is a trade off. Fat fucks suffer the consequences. Boo Hoo. Get out of my lap on the plane, stop clogging up the isles, and pay your own healthcare. You are the one who ate too much, not me.
Me says
If we are advising overweight women to work out more so they WON’T get fat shamed… how are we pigs? Obesity is absolutely awful and you should not support it. How could you? Who is the real pig
Paul Harris says
…………………all the women that reply calling us male pigs, insensitive, blah blah blah are just proving that virtually ALL women who are FAT/obese are miserable in their lives and deep inside hate the person they see in the mirror. They refuse to invest the time and money(diet/gym) and stick with it for a year or more to turn around their lives and improve their physical and MENTAL health.
Try looking at us “pigs” as being your conscience or your motivator to get in shape. Throwing insults at us concerned men just proves what “fatness” has done to your mental state. Don’t glorify or embrace fatness…… the healthy thing……lose the weight!!!!!!
Lizz says
So you’re more worried about being in competition with a burger. Gotcha
This man probably has “nice guy , I’m not like other men” in his tinder headline. This is also why more women (skinny included) are leaving the dating game for good. FYI : millennials are more single than ever , and not getting married nor having kids. Hallelujah, amen
captn wade says
Lol. Oscar Wilde said it best: “Show me a woman who espouses her morality, and I’ll show you a woman who is invariably plain”
In other words, unattractive women will put down what they cannot have as if they never wanted it in the first place…. but they aren’t fooling anybody.
Caroline Smienski says
wow, never in my life have I ever something so naive. I’m a good looking woman, who is dealing with weight issue, due to a medication I have to take. but when I was thinner I was sexy and hot, but. men still find me attractive, people say I still have my sexiness about cause it shows thru my attitude and confidence. I’m the most loyal, giving and selfless woman a man could have. actually I have been too selfless in my r.ships( even when I was thin. my weight issues are temporary, I’m fixing that right now. but I’m still the same woman I was when I was thin. if anything I’m a better person now. i used to be a little judgmental, looking at obese women and thinking “wow how could a woman let herself go like that?” and here I am experiencing the same issue.
Iolags says
I agree
Ann says
You must be writing from your bedroom. Sitting on your bed all alone with your computer on your lap. After writing that comment you raised your eyes from the screen, looked around and suddenly remembered you will be alone forever.
I am fat. I am married. I am happy. My husband gave me 2 daughters and he’s still with me. My husband met me fat and loves me how I am. I am not going to explain to you why I’m fat cause you are to high up in your high horse to hear a single word I say. Just be careful you don’t fall off, you might get seriously hurt
Paul harris says
I’m glad your husband likes you fat AND unhealthy and can be assured to live a shorter life than most with the weight. Just try to stress to your daughters that being healthy and in shape is #1 in the road to true self confidence and longevity . Don’t be a burden to your children as you get older with being fat…….choose a healthy lifestyle…..
Most men here are in shape and far from being lonely I am sure. Your type plays the victim all the time and blames me for your issues which proves my theory that most women are born 47% crazy
Capt Wade says
Yep. Says it all right there. She’s fat. She admits that she was fat when her mate married her.
Did they do the responsible thing when it came to planning a family? Did they take steps to prevent passing horribly unhealthy genetics to an in ocent child? Fuck no. Fat people DO NOT CARE about anything but what they want. Fuck the burden already imposed on the American healthcare system, Fuck the social suffering two fat cursed little girls will live with for the rest of their lives, Fuck the exponential load they just unleashed on the world, she eats what she wants, curses children with her same fat genes, (let’em suffer, I had to do it) and they did it with full knowledge that those girls will be as fat and unhealthy as she is. Legal child abuse.
Grace Bressi says
Although I don’t agree with being a bully or mean to people because of their parents I’m going to be honest and say obesity is disgusting I would never sleep with a fat guy!! And I would never allow myself to be a fat girl!!!
Didi says
I believe you have been hurt by an overweight woman. Honestly, those words were completely disrespectful. There are kind and horrible people in whatever body type, race, etc.
You may not be attracted to overweight women…that is ok. But I blame you for feeling sorry and wasting your money. That was your fault. And let me tell you. If you meet a woman at a bar you are going to meet bar flies. Fat or skinny. Does not matter.
Have you ever talked to a woman outside of a bar/nightclub?
You will realize there are very nice women out there. Fat and skinny.
Some of the kindest women I know are overweight. Pleas me stop body shaming.
Everyone has a preference. Keep the preference to yourself. And if you’re not attracted then don’t talk to them flirtatiously.
This is your own fault. You’re judging someone’s character based on their body type. That is so immature. I beg to God that he doesn’t bless you with any daughters. Because God knows what you would treat them like.
Paul Harris says
DIDI !!!!! Seriously, you took it to such different level. There are nice and hateful people that are fat and that are in shape and healthy. I think we all will agree to that but because we express our displeasure with fat and unhealthy people does not make one mean or hatful, but honest. Seems like you are part of this “woke” crowd that anytime someone expresses an opinion that goes against your standards we should be silenced. It is called free speech dear. If I want to express my opinion that fat is unhealthy and unattractive then so be it. Stores now promote mannequins that promote obesity when in reality they are hurting those obese people by accepting it and making money off of their unhealthy lifestyle.
The only fat woman that may have hurt me is when she stepped on my foot in the grocery store running to fill her cart up with Tastykakes that were on sale.
So do he right thing…………lose the weight and quit psycho analyzing the people that tell you fat is unhealthy and unattractive.
Old Professor says
You’re obviously a child or you just think like one.
Nicola Marshall says
I just got rejected by a man because he said he doesn’t find me sexually attractive because I’m a little overweight, but I have a lovely personality. How insulting and shallow, let alone hurtful.
I’ve been yo-yoing with my weight all my life and recently lost 6stone. I was really feeling good about myself and then that happened. Now I’m back to self hating and lost my confidence. Weight I can lose, but a man who is shallow will never change. Makes me wonder if all men do actually think like that.
Paul harris says
We ALL have different standards on which we measure a person who we find attractive. An overweight person for me is very unattractive and I feel has no inner self worth about her appearance or general long term health concerns which is unfortunate. Company’s are promoting the large overweight woman as acceptable and that is making the situation alarmingly dangerous for a woman’s health. This is a prime example of the “woke” environment destroying society.
That guy had his standards just as ANY woman has theirs in finding a man attractive. Looks, personality, career, etc…..we all have standards for the ones we want to spend intimate time. L
Stay on course and lose the weight to get to that IDEAL weight. Never stay fat…’s just nasty nasty
Robert says
I hate to hear that you feel so badly that someone wanted a woman that was a bit more thin. But two things come to mind, one, what anyone else thinks should come well after what you think and feel about yourself, and two, everyone has preferences and it could’ve been anything that they found less attractive. In addition, truly solid and satisfying relationships are made up of many things and usually the physical aspects are lower on the list. Above all be yourself and work on accepting yourself and also work to improve your mind, body and spirit. It may not feel like it but you are loved and there are many men who would love to rock your chubby little world. Take good care of yourself.
Luke says
Agree with you 100 percent and that comes from a Man who work his ass off my whole life to stay in shape. The main problem with Women is you don’t want to take any accountability for your choices in life like an adult. You Woman want a 6 ft, Six pack, with Six figure income but can’t wear a size 6 dress. If I was broke you would call me lazy. If you’re fat and call you lazy then you are a victim of insults? Life is not fair so if you don’t like the rules then maybe don’t set unnecessary expectations on Men.
Cat says
I know a lot of fit women who are nasty and selfish entitled narcissistic witches, that are terrible mothers to their kids and lie like monsters. Nasty comes in all forms CHRISTOPHER.
Cerviel says
I don’t agree with all the nasty comments about it. All that just seems a bit harsh. As a man who’s in serious shape, I’m just not attracted to fat women. Its a major turn off for me. I’ve tried dating one (she was kinda thick when we got together but then it got out of control) and I just found myself not wanting to have sex with her. Like at all. And she felt unattractive because I never started anything or solicited her anymore.
Lennert Cornette says
What’s wrong with this? Fat isn’t beautiful. At least be lucky a lot of guys have a fat fetish, so they’ll find someone. Fat women often want fit guys and not date fat guys, it’s insane.
Sidney Stardust says
“be lucky a lot of guys have a fat fetish” are you kidding me? overweight people dont want to be fetishised. we want to be treated with basic respect. women dont exist for pure the sexual satifaction of some guy who only wants their body.
Lennert Cornette says
Omg, so you have guys who love fat chicks (skinny women loving fat guys, never heard of) you yet have another privilige and still you complain?! Oh, alright, didn’t know if you have a fetish that means you disrespect that person.
Maybe women should realize that physical attraction is the first thing that makes a man approach women, only after that he is interested in her personality.
Never understood why fat people have tatoos and piercing too, nobody sees it, everybody sees the fat. Why not lose some weight so people pay attention to your tats and piercings and not only the fat?
KarenCuntBitchHoe says
Watch any fucking sitcom on TV skinny wives with fat husbands. Men don’t have to be anything to get a woman. This might sound crazy but fat men don’t what to date fat women too, isn’t that crazy, makes no sense either!
Lennert Cornette says
‘Watch any fucking sitcom on TV skinny wives with fat husbands.’ Yup, that’s why it is hilarious, because those rarely exist unless the guy is rich.
Men have to be a thousand things to date women, what are you even blathering about. There are thousands of single 30+ women in my country because they have ridiculous standards. Men’s standards: don’t be fat and be kind. Women’s standards: 185cm, not fat, masters degree, must earn more than them, must have a car, must be funny, must not be boring while they are so boring themselves etc.
Yup, there are fat guys who don’t want to date fat chicks and there are millions of fat chicks who have inflated ego and don’t want to date fat guys, what is your point?
capt wade says
Wanna bet? Women align their self worth by how “fuckable” they think they are, and they measure it by the amount of positive attention they get from men they are attracted to. And the fatties like the same thing hot women like. They “objectify” hot men. Fuck you and your hypocrisy about it. Objectification happens. it will always happen. Men do it. Women do it. it’s like masturbation, everybody does it, but few are willing to admit it. I don’t give a DAMN about whether you agree with this or not, because you aren’t on the positive side of it. EVERYBODY knows it’s true. Fuck fat people. They did it to themselves. If they didn’t want the stigma that comes with it, maybe they should have put the fork down and left the buffet. I don’t give a damn about your medical condition gad excuse either. You knew you had it, you knew you were gaining weight because of it, and you knew that if you didn’t eat enough to gain weight, you wouldn’t have. YOU CANNOT GET FAT, UNLESS YOU EAT ENOUGH TO GET FAT. END OF STORY, DROP THE FUCKING MIC.
Paul harris says
Perfectly said…..if only they would quit playing the victim and the poor poor pitiful me fat person they might lose that weight and look appealing to others.
Paul Harris says
i think the graph is right on the money.
Paul Harris says
Since when is wanting a woman to be in DECENT shape, NOT perfection, but NOT stuffing herself with Pizza, ice cream, donuts and fast food a crime.???? But she does watch her soda intake with a Diet Coke. Seriously, EXERCISE is FREE, DIETING is FREE………Try it, you’ll like it and yourself a whole lot better!!!!! Oh and “male rights activists”……what the hell is that made up thing???
Lennert Cornette says
Whenever you state that you don’t want a fat woman (which is your right if you aren’t fat yourself) they start to cry about you being a sexist or a men’s right activist (it’s like feminism but for men) because there is no argument for being fat except ‘I am too lazy to work out and I want to keep stuffing my mouth with unhealthy food’. Look at all female comments, only outrage.
I have hair on my back and I know it’s disgusting. I wouldn’t be upset if my girlfriend asked to shave it. Stop dictating people what they should find attractive.
rebecca says
I’m fit & I want a fat guy.
Lennert+Cornette says
Yeah, sure.
Roxy says
This infographic is terrible!!!! I myself have put on a few pounds on purpose, only to see this trash!!!!!!!!
Paul Harris says
SLIM will ALWAYS be IN……stop trying to change the rules for your lack of self control
KarenCuntBitchHoe says
Do yourself and favor and research what causes weight gain and makes it hard to lose. Please do this before you knock up some poor girl and she has to deal with your dumb ass. How about this just stay away from women. I’m guessing your already not the biggest catch. Please control yourself and shut your face.
Paul Harris says
Hit close to home dear? Self control is the answer in 95% of the fat issues ……Do not make lame or convenient excuses to justify your ……… sized stature.
Lisa says
PAUL HARRIS…In your previous comment, you said you married a girl that ‘ballooned’ unto 215 & you seem so miserable. Does she know about how you really feel? Why are you still with her if you feel this way? I’m thinking that she supports your lazy ass & you depend on her. I feel sorry for her to be saddled with someone like you. You don’t sound like much of a man; actually, you kind of sound like a coward. Definitely NOT a catch.
paul Harris says
take your meds dear……your irrational behavior is proving another great point……..ALL women are born 45% CRAZY.
Lisa says
Well you didn’t deny a thing, Paul, so it must be true. You’re with a fat girl and you can’t stand it. So instead of manning up & leaving her, you’re staying in a horrible relationship that makes you miserable& she’s probably miserable too from putting up with you. I feel sorry for you…and her. BTW, please get some new & more accurate material, all women are not born crazy. You keep repeating that on most of your ignorant rants here.
Captn Wade says
See? See? There it is! No real material to counter with, just another pissed off female who can’t face reality. Fat is disgusting, always will be and fat people did it to themselves, knowing FULL WELL that this social dynamic exists, that the bad health results, along with the social stigma of everyone being able to tell they are socially selfish by simply looking at them. They don’t care about the environment or the strain their cumulative health problems place on our already strained hospitals, our healthcare system or how much it raises our insurance premiums. Just like smokers, fat-ass people just don’t give a fuck, and the rest of us are supposed to quietly take how their bad habits are affecting everybody. I shouldn’t have to breathe other people’s smoke, and NOR should I have to have someone else’s fat rolls half in my lap on a plane or a trolley. I’m also a bit upset by the recent evaluations of how our health insurance costs in the US would be ONE THIRD of what it costs now, thanks to overweight health issues alone.
Jon says
I agree that it lowers a mans status. One other comment said that if someone dated a fat chick then broke up a week later they(women) wouldn’t look at them as an option either. That’s true as well you days a fat chick nice girls won’t want to date you. I Also agree with the comment that if you meet some one then their wife or GF and find they are fat you instantly think less of them. I would put little faith or trust with anything important or values the thoughts or opinions of a man that marries dates a fat woman.
Dan says
Wow! Since my wife has grown to over 400 pounds, I guess you wouldn’t trust me. But you would have when she weighed 130.
Maria Montgomery says
Do you want to know what really lowers a mans status? When the woman he’s with finds out that he really feels this way about women & she divorces him& takes all his money and finds a younger, more handsome guy with a bigger dick & bigger bank account!
Paul Harris says
Thanks girls for continuing to prove my 45% remark is 100% accurate!!! xxx
Lennert says
Love it how they are trolling (don’t know if you noticed it’s always 5-7 replies at the same time so I think it’s just one bitter woman) but at the same time prove the points men made here.
Renae says
You’re pathetic. You seem to be the only cowardly troll here & keep repeating everything. Get new material please. You’re boring. So I guess if there’s only one women making all the comments, are you a woman also?
Paul Harris says
I agree with both of you……CAPTN and JON. My only comment is that as a guy do not every guy under the bus that you see with a fat woman. SOME are stuck in that situation due to financial issues. Unable to afford a divorce or to afford a place to live alone AND pay her alimony that she just would use to get fatter and nastier.
That was one crazy chick that replied but it proves my point…….females are born 47% crazy.
Rollo Tomassi says
The reason why men are not attracted to fat women or why I and my friends aren’t, is because of the assumption that fat women can’t clean themselves properly and that they stink. Yes its true that they lower a guys status because the assumption is he can’t do better than a fat girl. A positive assumption is that most fat girls give good blow jobs because no one really wants to have sex with them. They may be nice people, they may have good personalities but at the end of the day they are not sexually attractive to anyone but other fat people who understand the ‘fat life.’
Shelia Stephens says
You stink because you’re full of shit. Stop talking because your spitting out shit, then go see a doctor for your condition after you take a shower. You’re comment is so stupid & worthless…like the piece of shit that you are. Who wants to give you a blow job? I hope the next fat girl that blows you, bites your one inch dick off. You’re a bug fucker, needle dick. Shut the hell up
Lennert says
Fat chick is maaaaaddddd.
Capt Wade says
Oh please….spare me. Fat is disgusting. Always has been, always will be. All the efforts to try to “normalize” or find “acceptance” for being gross, especially when it was so absolutely preventable are doomed to fail.
Call me shalliw? I’m the KING of shallow. Thank the UNIVERSE for shallow. If it weren’t for what you call shallow(in nature, it’s called Natural Selection)
there would be tons more little fat ugly kids running around, growing up to whine about how they got shunned at school, because two fat-asses got together and cursed an innocent child with their eating habits.
Fuck yeah, I’m Captain Shallow, coming to the rescue of any man who doesn’t want to be seen as a loser, dating a fat chick, lowering his social status, his self esteem or social status.
I only date hot chicks. I look to avoid a boring-ass relationship being stuck with some insecure, 25 lb overweight woman who CANNOT go have all the fun hot chicks have because nobody wants to see gross fat on the beach, at a hot tub party, on the party yacht, or any other place where fun sexy times happen. Sex is fun with hot chicks, not even gonna happen with fatties.
You wanna indulge in a bad, unhealthy habit? Welcome to the ranks of the Unfuckable. The Gross. The Disgusting.
All the labels in the world, trying to rag on guys for avoiding fat women are NEVER gonna change the fact that nobody wants to be around someone gross, except others on their level. Want proof? Go to the mall and people-watch.
People who have the same habits hang out together, because they don’t like being judged. Fat chicks hang out with fat chicks. Hot chicks hang out with hot chicks. And we all know why..
Brett Grantham says
This is absolutely true, and fat people know it. This is also freedom of speech. Everyone has the right to their opinion, and there is no law where we have to like or agree with anyone. Obesity in this country is an epidemic. Sure, some people have a difficult time loosing weight, but its mostly bad habits and laziness. Do you ever see a fat Asian? Almost never. Fat people need to be shamed. We shamed people for not wearing seatbelts, and seatbelt use increased. We shamed people for smoking, and lots of people quit smoking. I used to smoke, and it is a stupid habit that will eventually lead to serious health problems just like being fat. I’m still very fit even at 44. Yes, I’ve always been slender, but I watch what I eat, and go to the gym at least 4 days a week. This country messed up when they started handing out BS Participation Trophies, and the author of this probably go a lot of Participation Trophies.
paul says
Meredith_P says
We also had a nut who tried to eradicate a whole race of ppl because he thought they were not worthy. Hitler, remember? Why in hell do you think you get to shame anyone for anything? Who the hell are you? YOU BRING NOTHING TO THIS CONVERSATION. Ppl like you are the problem (literally for centuries), you’re not the solution. Shut the hell up, Grown ups are speaking.
Paul says
These out of control ladies need to get back on their Lithium and have a few Ho-Ho’s to clam themselves down
Capt Wade says
Yeah, Somebody needs a nap..
Shelia Stephens says
Brett Grantham-You’re so fucked in the head. Did it hurt because it hurts to hear the garbage coming out your mouth. Yes, you are entitled to your opinion, but that’s all. You have no right to shame or judge anyone. Do you think you’re God? Only He gets the right to judge ppl, not a fuck up like you or any other person whose contributing to this article. Have I ever seen a fat Asian? What kind of racist comment is that? Who gives you the right to say something like that? I’ve never heard of ‘seat belt’ shaming, where did that come from? I haven’t really heard of ‘smoker shaming’ either and I’m a former smoker. As for the ‘BS Participation Trophies’ that you talked about, well here are 2 for you. One for seat belt shaming and the other for smoker shaming. Why don’t you just put those on your trophy table and look at them whenever you see a fat woman?
Marc. says
Oh please…most slender attractive women would choose a fit healthy male partner…Fat is gross and is a sign that a person has a lack of self control…If your blood type is pudding, then don’t have your cellulite bullet holes airbrushed out of photos you use as an example to falsely convince people fat is attractive
Paul Harris says
AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Female responses to all this truth about how they scar my eyes as they walk around in public in form fitting clothes is proof they start out 45% crazy when born!!!!!
Just admit it and take that big first step!
Snake says
“And what about the fact that “fat” issues are not always about what you eat…”
Wrong! It’s ALWAYS about what you eat. Simple physics, energie can’t be created out of nothing. You can NEVER EVER gain weight if you don’t eat and drink. You will ALWAYS lose weight when you eat less (energy) than you use (energy).
A car will not drive without gas in the tank, but when the tank is full you can’t full it up, the gas will spill out. The same as when you’ve eaten enough (eating as much as you need to survive, move, etc) and you eat more, this will “spill” in the form of fat storage.
Paul Harris says
The response of “accept me for who I am” is yet another unfortunate result of the trophy for all crowd. You lose every game……here is a trophy Mary. Get a D in that report,,,,,have a gold star Timmy. You are fat and out of shape….That is OK Margie….you are a beautiful person inside. THAT IS BS!!!! I still have to look at the outside of Margie’s fat and nasty body AND help pay her medical costs due to her obsession with food, lack of self control and friends that keep telling her she is beautiful. STOP THE MADNESS!!!!! Those friends are killing her and they are not your friends. Take that first step!!!! Quit playing the victim and become that responsible adult you should become.
Ranting???? Hell yes…..I am tired of people not accepting responsibility for their actions!!!!!!!
KeepTalkingKeepBusy says
All I can say is thank goodness these men’s rights activists, mgtows, etc. are wasting hours whining about fat women (as if fat women would even be interested in them) instead of imposing their personalities and presence on women in real life. It really seems to bother them that fat women would DARE to have an iota of self esteem. They want fat women to feel as miserable about themselves as they do it’s pathetic and pathological, really.
Paul harris says
These replies just solidify the fact that women are all born 47% crazy and play the poor pitiful victim or just blame men for their inability to n
overeat and lack of DAILY intense exercise. Be fat and just ignore it until it kills you. Smart!!!!!
Truth says
The infographic is correct. There are unfortunately many negative factors with dating an overweight/obese woman (or man) overweight/obese men and women tend to be unhealthy, unfit, unattractive, and are difficult to convince to become fit. It’s really an upward battle with them, and thus it is better to date someone who is at a healthy weight.
xasp says
Is there anything factually wrong on that infographic?
Let’s be clear, some men like fat women, most men don’t.
Iwreck says
Sad, but true for women and men alike. Fat is not sexy at most it constitutes a paraphilia.
Charles says
I agree with this honestly, overweight/fat women are extremely lazy. Food costs money, so diet’s really do have a factor in a relationship especially in our economy where most are living paycheck to paycheck. If she is lazy, doesn’t have a job of her own where she can support her own unhealthy habits; that’s a hard pass from me.
Fat women also tend to have attitudes. I haven’t the slightest idea why, but most of the heavyset women i’ve met have been rude, selfish and self centered, and not to mention acting like a slob. Just as Women seek men that can take care of themselves and are self sufficient, Men seek out women that can take care of themselves in all senses (Body, Mind, Soul) and not be a leech in the relationship. If a woman is lazy, that’s fine, but as long as it’s warranted laziness because we all have our lazy-days. Most overweight Women I know of, and have seen live like dogs and have stuff scattered everywhere.
Overweight women tend to produce a smell if they do not take care of themselves like a majority of them don’t. You know, the ones who have that black crusty stuff on their fat folds? you know the ones right? I can’t imagine trying to kiss their neck, only to be like a suckerfish on the inside of the tank; once you pull away from the spot you kissed, it would be cleaner than it was before you did.
Moral of the story, NO ONE wants an overweight woman who is rude, self-centered, eats too much (food costs money), doesn’t take care of herself, and brings nothing to the relationship besides the obvious. It’s not that us men are being “Male rights activists” and “Nice guys” as Cali put it, it’s that we want our gene pool to be strong. Being overweight increases so many genetic deficiencies its unbelievable. So why would we want to burden our offspring with genes that are inferior to others? I myself want my offspring to come out healthy, happy and live commanding lives. Not be overweight and watching life from the back of the pack because they cannot keep up.
Regardless, that’s my take on fat women.
Benjamin Hinds says
A man who thinks this way is gay. That’s the truth. Straight men really find pretty much all women beautiful in different ways. Not to be gross, but that person represents your mom or your sister. You naturally look for the beauty in all women, unless.. If a man say she is not on his level, up to his standard(it’s never HIS standard. Usually Dad, or older brother), makes him look bad, is basically saying the man is more attractive.
A man who says he prefers athletic women is gay. Period. Oh really you like women with a flat stomach, some abs, a little bicep, can hang with the guys, loved sports, knows her way around a tool box.?? That’s a guy. We like women because they’re women. One of our biggest needs is to protect and defend someone. We don’t know why. We just need it. Were confused by women that can kick some ass. Because it strips us of our identity.
Paul hatris says
“Straight men really find pretty much all women beautiful in different ways”. What the hell is that statement about???
Those that do find fat obese women “attractive” have low self esteem themselves or never had a woman before and will take anything they can for a mate.
And Benji boy, flat stomachs and a toned body on a woman is hot and what men should prefer on in his woman. Not some out of shape beer belly hard on my eyes”woman”
Good luck with your low standards.
Dan says
There is nothing wrong with that infographic. Fat Women (and Men) are unattractive. No amount of woke PC nonsense will change that. You can tell yourself your beautiful all you want while eating that pizza but it’s not true.
Tom says
Bro this is not offensive! I am tired of pages like this being used to justify women being obease and thinking that it’s the mans fault LOL. No, no it’s not the mans fault. Fat is unattractive. It looks gross, it causes immediate repulsion in myself and other men alike. It’s never going to change. Women with big breasts, a nice butt, and skinny features is what men want. No matter how many women want to justify how gross they look, it’s just the truth that it’s gross. It’s not “fat phobic” it’s just gross.
Paul Harris says
…and it is very unhealthy besides being unattractive. It is shameful that designers, social media, clothing retailers seem to glorify obesity while that condition kills so many people with diabetes and heart failure and other weight related conditions.
MenHateUs says
Men in general have a hard time gaining weight, usually. For women, it tends to be the opposite. Hormones play a big role.
Women are geared for weight gain and pregnancy. Just is. Women have to work harder at controlling their diet and, especially with the poor options available, they fail to maintain a healthy weight.
That being said, “men”, when does bullying women make them change their behavior? More than likely, you will find yourself in a LTR with a woman struggling with weight gain at some point. You’re reactions here are kind of terrifying…
Why are women divorcing at such high rates? Instead of demanding better food control and encouraging women to “be healthier” (because you do care, right?), making and defending insults is achieving the goal???
This is why women are staying single and finding ways around their desire for companionship, even if it’s unhealthy coping like overeating…
Gustav says
Thanks for the infographics. It’s the honest truth. If it hurts a fat woman, so be it. You don’t need a gym to be at a healthy weight. Just stop being a gluttonous fat pig.
Shivani says
Disgusting but a reflection of a deeper malice?
Aparna says
This reminds me of a friend of mine, a nice guy who was always cribbing to me about not finding a nice girl to date etc. Initially I thought it was strange till I saw him only go for so called “Model looking” girls and then come cribbing to me cause he felt they were Only interested in being seen at places,his money and lacked depth. And believe me he himself was very average looking,so initially I tried to get him to meet and date some normal girls but nope each party back to the same pattern. Ultimately I was so disgusted by this look obsessed mentality I stopped hanging out with him. I really don’t understand, have we become so shallow that we feel social status depends on weight? I mean not personality, nature or talent but weight which Like you said may have nothing to do with over-eating but stress related health problems. Disappointing!
Christopher Ray says
Please, I have seen a lot of women get really shallow too and try to paint it as “something deeper”. Just look at all the single mothers who swear up and down they just “fell in love with a loser”. So spare us and step off your soapbox.
Mike says
You too need to step off the soap box. Really? Vain much? I’m guessing you’re single because most women wouldn’t put up with a man like you. You bring nothing to the table. Go play with your penis because we can all tell how much you miss it.
Jordan says
Looks aren’t weight related. Men don’t care about your face. I’m serious. Weight is a whole other thing that we DO care about. Women aren’t falling over to talk to the incredibly short rail thin holocaust victim-looking me either. Women don’t get a free pass. If you want to be seen as attractive you have to put some work in.
Lennert Cornette says
Alright, and now the facts: men on average find 70% of women aged 18-35 beautiful, women find 80% of men less than average. Women swipe 10% of guys right, guys swipe 70-80% right. Gotta love statistics, it takes the ‘MeN aRe jUsT ThE SaMe’ down.
Leah Andrews says
I don’t think it’s ‘love’ that most men are looking for. That does sound like a correct figure for men looking for sex though.
Nathalia says
I cannot even express how offended I am by this, on at least 10 different levels. And I am not even in the “fat” category, which I already find offensive in the heading. WTF (excuse the language) does this guy think women are for? For heightening your social status and training her to be everything you want her to be? I hope he ends up with a golddigging trophy wife who thinks just that, and leaves as soon as she finds someone who will heighten her social status. I didn’t even click on the link, so that he doesn’t get anymore attention than he deserves. Real men know that real women deserve to be respected, as do all human beings, and would never reduce a woman’s worth to her weight. Real men would also be self-confident enough to know that you do not need a certain type of woman by your side to heighten your status. And they would also be aware of the fact, that they themselves are nobody is perfect, but that if you love someone you accept them just the way they are.
Thank god, that you and I have found us some of those real, good men. Now let’s stop thinking about the kinds of him, who will never be good enough to be in our presence.
Anon says
It’s not about status, it’s about sexual attraction…
Emily says
Thank god someone said it. Men have standards just like women do. Why would a man want to date someone he doesn’t find sexually attractive?
Christopher Ray says
You can’t tell that to a feminist or a “fat acceptance” type and expect them to understand. Those people are entitled whiners.
Natalie says
A truth I’ve realized reluctantly over the years after repeated encounters with people of all sizes. Fat people want the easy way out and have entitlement issues.
Brett Grantham says
Amen. This country messed up when they started handing out BS Participation Trophies
Shelia Stephens says
Just like most of these men’s comment on here. Entitled whiner & you seem to be the biggest wiener…I mean whiner
Capt Wade says
This is the true bottom line. It ALL boils down to sexual attractiveness.
That’s Nature, not someone being “shallow” or whatever negative description the socially challenged folks try to lable it with. Everybody has the right to pursue their “type”.
What everybody here has noticed is that if the facts are offensive to state out loud, the ones who fit the facts don’t like it.
Obesity is the single most preventable disease of humankind(if you just stop eating so much, it solves the problem) but the fatties don’t want to do it. People want to do what they want to do, and it has consequences.
Fat is unattractive.
Smoking is unattractive.
Meth, heroin, all that shit, is unattractive.
So, they have to deal.with the social stigma of their bad habits and for some reason when it comes to being overweight, (and the resulting revulsion from the opposite sex) the fatties seek to play like it’s the person who rejected them who has done something bad.
No, fatties, you are gross, nobody wants to fuck you, be seen with you or have to deal with the fallout from YOUR bad habit. End of story.
All the name calling, claiming misogyny, labeling, comes to nothing, because it DOES NOT CHANGE THE FACTS.
And the fact is, you CANNOT get fat unless you EAT ENOUGH to get fat. You did it to yourself.
Welcome to The Consequences.
ThatAntiFeminist says
Yes, but if a woman makes a chart like this about men it would be ok. But let man make a chart like this about women and everybody gets offended. Its bull****. And half of these are probably true, most of these i have seen before.
Christopher Ray says
Yeah, the double standards of feminism is glaringly obvious.
Christopher Ray says
Good be “offended”. The fact of the matter is that we have freedom of speech in this nation and you can’t stop people from speaking out. And BTW, the truth hurts. Most men who date fat women are just settling because they do not believe they can find better. You wouldn’t like it if you were forced to date a “creeper” or a “stalker” (even though women throw those labels on guys so quickly despite the fact it is probably not true), so you should be understanding of a guy who doesn’t want to date a fat girl.
Natalie says
Comments like yours come from future or current gold diggers. Where do you think gold diggers rationalize their actions? “He didn’t love me enough so I’m gonna make him my slave for life. “
garfield says
Thanks for sharing this..
Usually, men are selfish and practical.
What about fat men??
Don’t they put on weight??
anubha says
Thank you everyone for weighing in on this… we really need to speak out against crap like this!!!! And “thin” women can be just as unhealthy as “fat” women. I just found out today that eating disorders have a higher mortality rate than any other mental illness. As many as 20% of individuals suffering from anorexia will prematurely die from complications relating to their eating disorder, including suicide and heart problems!!!! Another interesting statistic: the average woman is 5″4″ and weighs 140 pounds. The average model is 5″11″ and weighs 117 pounds. Unrealistic expectations be damned????
Christopher Ray says
Except there are a hell of a lot more morbidly obese chicks than there are anorexic chicks.
More over when these fat ones start needing triple bypass surgery, all we hear from the Obama Administration (or the last few democrat administrations) is how we need the government to pay for their surgery. I for one am damn tired of hearing about how the responsible people have to pay for the irresponsible. How about you give up everything you worked for to pay their hospital bill since you want to stick up for them? Quit telling the rest of us that we need to be “compassionate” and vote for government healthcare to take care of the losers in society.
Renee says
CHRISTOPHER RAY …I hope you get a trophy wife that has at least 2 kids of yours and keeps her looks and figure. I hope she gives you exactly what you wish for. Then I hope she divorces you and takes EVERYTHING you have. Then maybe you will realize that looks and a nice body isn’t everything. It would be terribly funny if your kids had weight issues too, but I wouldn’t want to wish the sins of your sorry ass on to them. You are nothing but inadequate & project your inadequacies onto woman because you know you bring nothing to the table. Here’s to finding your trophy wife, may she bring to you what you have brought to this discussion!
Lisa says
It seems the only losers here are these ppl with your mentality. It almost seems like you hate all women. Why? Because you were rejected & can’t handle it so you project all your hate, anger & rage onto all women with emphasis on fat women? As other comments have stated on here, I feel sorry for any girl that’s with you. That relationship can’t be healthy with all your hate and animosity toward women. It sounds like you really do need professional help. I really hope you get it . You are nothing but full of hatred & rage. We need less ppl like you in this world.
Lennert says
Shelia, Maria, Lisa, Leiah, Maria…. You are obviously a troll with different accounts haha. You must be a bitter fat women to comment on all guys here.
Mike says
Actually, it sounds like they are strong women who have dealt with weak & shallow ppl like you. Good for them. You’d probably back down from a challenge anyway. You don’t sound like much of a man anyway.
Natalie says
It’s not a health competition. That’s just another way for the fast to try to excuse fatness. The truth is, fatness has lots of consequences on you, your community, any kids you decide to perpetuate your habits onto. And one of them is that it is not, and should not naturally be in any natural population to have fat individuals beyond a statistically insignificant number. Our society is synthetic in many ways, but instincts have not changed. Thoughts do. A man who is with a fat woman may be in denial that he has it bad and say he doesn’t respect women who are vain… but it’s about an insecurity that tells the man that “thin” women are vain. It is just as assuming ato say thin or beautiful women are vain as fat=lazy. Layers of denial and enabling here.
Alexander says
I think there is a huge difference between a disorder and bieng fat a dissorder isnt classified in this advertisement. But what i can see for clear is if they hav an eating disorder they cant take offence of this but if it is down to mal nutrition and bad exercise they shouldnt be proud of there weight pride is based on an earning and acknoledgement of that earning not for a bad diet plan .
Capt wade says
Lol. Really? Did you actually try to validate your point by using eating disorders as an offset? Well let’s see here…
370 million Americans, half are female…
185,000,000 women…
4 in 10 are grossly obese,
6 in 10 are 40lbs or more overweight by the time they are 45, because they EAT TOO MUCH(uh-oh! Eating Disorder!)
Only 2.5 in 10 are a healthy weight for their height.
How many in ten are anorexic? None. You have to go into the hundreds to include these statistics. One in 105 women is underweight, and one in 176 is anorexic.
Oh, gee, we need to give fatties a break, or they might become anorexic? I don’t think so.
Mandy Dunne says
And these men wonder why they can’t get a date. Why not look beyond the outer shell and see the real woman inside.
Not only do we have to work as well as do housework, cook dinner, have and raise the children, all with a smile on our face. Now we have to look like a stepford wife as we do it.
Looks like they’ve just stepped out of the caveman era.
anonguy says
Yes, let’s look “beyond” the outer shell… how exactly does one do that, anyway? Answer: you really can’t. First impressions DO matter, and physical attraction DOES matter, whether we like it or not. Let’s be real here.
“Not only do we have to work as well as do housework, cook dinner, have and raise the children, all with a smile on our face.” – Great for you – and so do we. As if women are the only ones who do these things?
Who’s stepping out of the “caveman” era here, anyway?
Christopher Ray says
No, the person that posted this was talking about obese women. But you go ahead and hyperbole about it all you want. Meanwhile get yourself some cats.
You are not entitled to a relationship or sex from a man.
Natalie says
This might work if we were all robots with the same computer chip but different bodies. But here’s the thing. ..we’re not. We are living complex machines, and truth is, outer appearances often reflect inner states. Appearance truly does communicate something about the person, if you pay attention and stay open minded. Don’t try to character assassinate and call people cavemen who understand this simple concept and don’t support your deluded and self serving world view.
Lennert Cornette says
‘Real’ women … mean fat women. Thank god men need sex or 95% or fat women would never have dates.
Capt wade says
We get dates just fine. My chick is smokin’ hot, and I’m not embarrassed at all to be seen with her at the nude beaches, hot tub parties, water ski outings, costume parties, Burning Man and other sexy fun events we go to. Just ask a fatty if she wants to go somewhere that hot chicks are rockin’ and she’ll make up the usual excuse “I would’t be caught DEAD going to some place with all those sluts!” Yeah, and thank God, because who would wanna see that? Point is, we ALL try to avoid a boring relationship. Exciting women rule. And they know it. Fuckability is everything. Under-the-Covers-With The-Lights-Out is nobody’s idea of a good time. fat-ass chicks are just waiting to die, because nobody want’s them, nobody should have kids with them(passing fat genes off on an innocent child is child abuse) and they DESTROY our healthcare system with their massive caseload. Fuck fat people. Put them all on an island and let them eat each other.
Sarah Catherine says
Oh wow, this is incredibly offensive! I cannot believe how antiquated and pig-like some peoples’ thinking is still. Not to mention that it is a fact that curvy women who are not model stick-thin actually look younger, not older, because their skin and their face is more full and not so drawn and thin as some really thin girls are. I feel bad for the men who think like this. They are never going to be truly happy.
Natalie says
Not a drop of useful information, just pieces of comforting self serving thoughts you managed to pull from thin air to soothe yourself. Way to go. You’ve shown it’s all about upholding your illusion of what the world owes you.
Sally says
I think we shouldn’t get so emotional about it really. The Modern Man is telling the truth about the situation.
When we ladies are fatter, we’re just not as attractive to men. It’s like men who are nervous, insecure or overly shy…we don’t like about a man. We like a man who is confident, masculine and goes after what he wants, not one who is nervous, shy and scared to take action and be the man. As for men, they like their women to look good, which I believe is healthy, normal and natural.
I eat well and make sure I look pretty, which allows me to maintain the attraction of my man, who is a confident, successful man in life. I think it’s only fair that I make myself as attractive as he is as a man.
matt says
You are all fat women.
Don’t blame other people for their honesty, yes, some people (a very few)
Suffer from ailments that require and/ or cause weight gain. Yes, Adobe people are more sensitive to certain foods, I agree.
Although, considering statistics, a large majority of Americans are obese, a large percentage of whom can make a difference in their diet not just to fit to public standards, but to better thier health. Exercise is not hard, it just takes motivation. You know you can better yourself, why not. It seem more difficult for you than it does to others- but your lifestyle must change to accommodate your goal. Slacking will get you no results, quick drugs and powders and potions will not make it easier, as they are supplements, usually dangerous, to your diet, which WILL AND DOES still require an Intense exercise alongside. Starving yourself, taking supplements, wearing right belts and having poor exercise and a sedentary lifestyle will not get you to loose that weight.
And yes, generally all Males of a healthy weight, who look okay, and are fit that do not have fetishes will not go for heavy set women. It’s how our minds are wired to be, if you are not attractive to the general image- healthy weight, good physical features and a smile on your face, we are designed to look elsewhere for it. If you want to be with a healthy, attractive and fit man you will most likely have to either work towards a better image, or move on, and possibly lower your standards- Maybe you sound try huskier men, see what your opinion is about them.
No offense directed, honesty I the public opinion I’ve gathered.
Monica says
Hi Anubha, I found your site and this article. I do agree to a point that there is truth in some of those points while at the same time there is no truth to others. Points 2 and 4 are extremely offensive to ALL.
The title in itself is hogwash because not ALL men feel that way. The individual that wrote the article was obviously speaking for himself and a small group compared to the worldwide demographic. Really, that rock must be in space along with their brains. Do they even know through whom they came to be on this earth? It must have been a male!!!! If not, he just disrespected every woman in his family tree.
I have ALWAYS been thin with the exception of these past 10 years. Not obese, but overweight due to personal reasons and I can tell you for a fact that 6 of those do not apply to me, especially the offensive two. The way I look at this article – it’s just a reflection of its writer.
To Matt – That line of how you all are wired that way is just an excuse that is no longer tolerated. Same as, boys will be boys – you want to talk about laziness now? LOL
Has nothing to do with wiring, has everything to do with how you/they was raised and the type of influence that was raised around.
That mentality is either an ingrained training or learned by following their parents examples. These guys have not grown up into men and are very insecure.
Speak to a lot of these women and you will find the TRUTH about “these so called men”.
Yes, a man wants their women to look good besides them, however, that does not mean they have to meet the “public standard”. I don’t live according to public standard, nor do I make decisions based on it. Whoever does is in constant chaos without peace because most things change every minute, even seconds.
To Sally, (I think we shouldn’t get so emotional about it really. The Modern Man is telling the truth about the situation). You’re just as ignorant, however, pls hold them tears back.
Let me tell you what the “Typical Modern Man” is:
1. It’s all about ME.
2. I will do what I want at any cost, including splitting up a family to be with
someone who will later leave him for someone else or he’ll go and do the
same to her.
3. Goes into relationships with lies until he’s found out and then the woman
either has a hard time getting rid of him because she’s afraid or she has
to plan the extraction. Yes, because he doesn’t have a job and has planted
his lazy butt into cement in HER home. Has to call the police to get him out
then he starts to stalk her or he comes back to kill her.
4. Wears his wedding band as an accessory.
Would you like me to continue?
Don’t know what you’ve been watching, but you might consider watching the news sometime. Better yet, watch Dr. Phil – then you and they might get a clue.
Why did I choose to comment…alot of young girls will probably come across this blog and also young men – and this is for their benefit!!!
To Anubha,
Personally, I made the decision to not have any children but I’ve always looked out for them because I have Nephews and Nieces.
One way to drown these types of articles is to not give them any attention. Fools cannot be corrected, because there is no wisdom in them.
Let’s spread positive, inspiring, motivational, uplifting, building, and educational information and leave the shxx where it belongs. (Pls forgive my language).
As Nathalia stated: Now let’s stop thinking about the kinds of him, who will never be good enough to be in our presence (my add on) nor deserve to be.
Thank you for the article on: What is your acne telling you?
It is spot on with me and very educational.
Kiana says
Gayatri says
Calm down. That hit a nerve. Might wanna look into that.
Angela says
She has a right to speak as loudly as she like. That’s the problem with men today, they can’t handle a strong woman & tries to control her. Why don’t you settle down and soothe that nerve that she just hit? Go back to calming yourself by playing with your penis, we know you didn’t put it down long enough to contribute anything good to the discussion…
Lennert says
Strong…. Is that what ‘fat’ is called nowadays?
Liz says
Wow, this makes me count my blessings. My partner never makes me feel like any of the above points because I’m overweight. That infographic is completely ignorant and I actually was surprised by it. . . .but then I remembered an episode brought up on NPR, by my favorite comedian, Louis CK:
He can be high offensive, but makes up for it, in my opinion, in honesty.
Kate Blachers says
I agree with this info graph, but believe it is two sided in that both men and women should not be fat. To some of the commentators that say
“Not only do we have to work as well as do housework, cook dinner, have and raise the children, all with a smile on our face. Now we have to look like a stepford wife as we do it.”
have you tried asking more of your partner? I know in my relationship that their is an equal amount of work done around the house by both of us.
Surely if you were a 10/10 good looking woman you wouldn’t want to go out with a fat person would you?
I also suspect that a lot of the hatred towards people that hate fat people come from fat people themselves or from extreme feminists.
I don’t think at any time during the history of all animals has one species gotten so upset about natural selection that favors the better look, especially when those disadvantaged can easily make an effort to become better looking (work out!).
KarenCuntBitchHoe says
Yes 10/10 women don’t date fat men but 2/10 fat men also don’t date fat women.
not a fat woman says
I see nothing wrong with what was said in that graphic.
Natalie says
You’re probably not a whiny 6 year in a grown woman’s body.
Kayla says
I think nobody should embrace being un healthy. No matter if they are fat or thin. Either way people need to take care of their bodies. I just don’t find un healthy attractive.
Billy Joe says
Infographic seems pretty spot on.
just a guy with whom you'll disagree says
Seems nobody likes the truth anymore. Instead of cutting guys down for what they do and don’t find attractive, why don’t you ask yourself a question: am I height-weight proportionate? If the honest answer is “no” then the problem isn’t with the guy. Body mass index calculators are crap. Recommended daily allowances are a shot in the dark average. I am 6′ 210 and every BMI calculator says I am at least borderline obese. What that calculator doesn’t know is I wear size 32 wranglers and have an 18″ neck and a 46″ chest. Long ways from obese. I am height weight proportionate. I don’t care what size a woman is if she looks good. A size 2 that thinks not eating is healthy? No thanks. A size 12 that looks healthy and has nice curves? Hell yes. Now, let’s clarify something. Sexy curves are sexy curves. Hips like a 12 year old boy are not sexy curves. Neither are the flaps folding over your bra strap. Fat is fat, not ‘curvy’. And fat is not sexy. Curvy, height-weight proportionate women are sexy and beautiful regardless of what the tags in your clothes say or the scale in the bathroom says. Stop thinking we all want 5’11 117 lb supermodels because it is false. It’s not what we want, it’s what you want….to be that is. We like the victoria’s secret commercials. You buy the items they flaunt. I find quite a bit of honesty in the fruit of the loom womens’ commercials. No normal woman is 5’11 117 lbs. We know this. For those of us who aren’t scared to speak the truth but also aren’t the jerks you think we are, please stop this crap.
Gayatri says
Im a girl and I completely agree with you
Natalie says
It’s perfectly attainable for most at the average woman’s height of 5’5 or 5’6″ to be 120-130 lbs. The ones who don’t believe this are likely to say men like curves, some people are naturally big, tell me to order something other than my rabbit food (i don’t order greasy bucket, low quality food every day), and that women who try to be active and appealing are setting women back 50 yrs. Or any other tactic aimed at deflecting blame.
Joe Vicentini says
People can’t stand the naked truth anymore these days. Presenting facts is not the same as supporting it. If there’s anything that graphic should be accused of is of being sincere. Yes, it’s offensive, but yes, it’s the truth. What should we do? Hide that information? That would be “safer”? No. The best thing to do is to bring this to surface and reveal it, for good and for worse. I’m afraid the day will come that we can’t even state scientific facts or actual history (like men were hunters, women were gatherers and looked after the children for millenia) anymore because these would be politically incorrect.
Gayatri says
If you love someone nothing else matters. But these ideas are just a view on how most men statistically think when choosing a partner, with love out of the equation. Our primal instincts are cruel, base and unfair. These are the primal insticts of men that still come into play. Women have high and sometimes unfair Standards too.
Anon says
Not being sexually attracted to fat girls is NORMAL. It’s the natural instinct men have, a product of evolution.
Fat girls ARE less attractive than average girls, it’s just a fact of male psychology.
I doubt you women go chasing after fat guys either!
Dodging the truth in order to protect feelings is a waste of time. Just because in a perfect world, people wouldn’t be judgmental, doesn’t mean people aren’t.
Some guys do find fatter girls attractive, this is a extreme minority.
Women that look healthy look attractive, it’s an evolutionary trait that men seek a female who is physically healthy. We don’t control who we are attracted to, trying to shame men for doing something natural is counter-productive and relies on emotion rather than fact.
fat bastardo says
Truth hurts and the truth is fat girls are revolting.
Christopher Ray says
Yeah, that is true.
Batgirl says
I’m skinny (very skinny… 100lbs, due to health problems), and I’m lazy and selfish. Argument invalid. lol
direwolf47 says
most men don’t want fat women if you don’t like it get yourself into shape and stop being lazy. women have a right to tell a man that he is too tall or too short for her without being judged and that is not something a man can control. fatness absolutely can be controlled, the double standard is mind blowing. why would I want to be with someone fat who is most likely going to pass on those traits and bad habits to our children, it is literally observable evolution to weed out the fat so that your children aren’t plagued by it. being a big fat lazy animal is unhealthy no matter what you tell yourself.
Christopher Ray says
Yeah but you won’t hear the “fat acceptance” crowd say that. They are all for the double standards and disgusting behaviors feminism brings.
And as this generation of beached whales start pushing 40, 50, and 60 and can’t afford the triple bypass operation their life choices lead to, they will be demanding guys like me pay more taxes to pay for their irresponsible choices in life.
Well, I have a few words to say to those who have lead destructive lives and now are expecting everyone else to pick up the tab: “I don’t care if you die because you can not afford your medical treatment. You refused to listen to doctors and others in the health industry that told you that your choices would have negative consequences, you chose not to get a decent enough paying job to handle your own medical expenses, and you lashed out at everyone else who tried to help you.”
Seriously, it sickens me how we go out of our way to prop up the worst elements of our society.
kofybean says
10, 9, 6, and 5 aren’t true, but the rest are pretty solid.
ManTheHarpoons says
You are arguing that being fat is not unhealthy? Get a clue. Science is not on your side.
Hamilton says
Okay, now try to climb the stairs without losing you breath while you read your science articles…. Reality is not on your side.
pretty, smart, educated. says
I like this infograph. I’m 23, very interested in sexism, sociology and media studies. Seen so many programs and schools of thought about fat discrimination. I think it is a wide area. Sure, there are men out there, plenty of men, who are happy having an overweight female partner. Enough men, in fact, that it isn’t really a problem at all. If it wasn’t for the internet sensationalising the sexist man’s opinion that all women should be virile, hot and young, then we wouldn’t know the extent of this fantasy. I think realising this is the key.
Unfortunately, I’m sure most men fantisise about touching and fucking a young, nubile, tight-assed, slim woman. What are you going to do about that, exactly? Being one of these hot young ladies, I see your partners staring at me, and know what they’re thinking. They think ‘I wish’, but they settle for their partners.
Am I being nasty or sexist? Fuck no! It’s actually a feminist issue to think all men want a younger, hotter woman, while women themselves do not. As if you don’t talk to your girlfriends about hot young actors. Sexy men on TV, that you saw in the street, etc. The problem is that women respect their partners more and recognise that their attractions are an unrealistic dream. Men naturally feel like they are ENTITLED to hot women like me, because of various forms of media (name a blockbuster where the man doesn’t get the girl in the end – because he accomplished the thing.) they’re taught if they succeed, they are entitled to hot poon, when reality is that attractive women will go for attractive men, or men with equal attributes (like money, don’t judge, I’m just saying in general) whereas men will settle for what they can get and feel resentful for it.
It is in fact gender inequality that accounts for size discrimination. We all want the hot ones. But while hot men are only gazed after adorably, hot women are owed to average, shitty men. No matter what, whatever is conventionally attractive to society will remain so in the minds of men. It is only genuine love and respect for women, and their partners, that will end this jealous cycle. It’s pretty great being 34, 22, 34 though, gotta say – sex with hot young men is so, so much better than with the older, hairier, more socially awkward, wandering eyed baldies fat women seem to end up with <3 peace.
Christopher says
Men who shame fat women aren’t sexist either… they’re trying to HELP her find LOVE, be HAPPY and SAVE HER LIFE by telling the TRUTH.
Christopher Ray says
That chart is pretty truthful and nothing hurts like the truth.
I see your comments are moderated, ergo, probably none of my comments will get through. This further goes to show how “fat acceptance” people seek not the truth but an echo chamber to enable their destructive lifestyles.
Sarah Catherine says
More anon says
How about the only reason why a man won’t find a fat woman attractive – she just doesn’t do it for him. All the other things on that list men don’t give a shit about if they find you attractive. Unfortunately, fat girls are a niche market. Some guys like them large and in charge, the vast majority think fat girls are ugly. You cannot blame someone for what they find attractive; it’s not something they really have control over.
Conversely, what are the reasons why women don’t find fat men attractive? You guessed it: the same thing. he just doesn’t do it for her.
So how about everyone get over themselves and stop pretending there is some altruistic standard that needs to be met when you look at someone. You either like what you see or you don’t, and generally, with some variation, the more you weigh, the smaller your appeal.
dan says
ladies, im short, im bald and i have had women laughing at me because of this and not only its totally acceptable, its encouraged. you should at least respect my right to be repulsed by fat women.
Natalie says
Absolutely. You don’t have to feel sorry for yourself and others and form a persecuted community to stroke each other’s egos. You deal with your reality, not try to change everyone else’s.
smaltalk says
I stumbled upon this article trying to find a reason why is my girlfriend getting overweight. Can somebody give me a real reason so I understand better and help her. Thanks!
Aquarius Moon says
We can’t control the world but we can control ourselves. Similarly, we can’t expect the world to find us and our body types attractive.
There will be people who find us visually appealing and those who don’t. Instead of seeking validation from all men, why not just focus on ourselves and look the best we can?
We will then be happier and more centred individuals who attract the right ones for us.
Gloria says
Not at all, it is very true.
Mary says
You ladies need a serious reality check. Men are not now, nor have they ever been attracted to overweight women. It just isn’t natural. I am so sick of women telling men that there is something wrong with them if they don’t find fat women attractive.This is so ridiculous that I can’t believe anyone has the nerve to say it. You talk about fat shaming? Well, what about shaming normal, healthy men into completely weird, unnatural ideas?! Leave men to be what they are, and stop telling them they are shallow because of it.
PerfectWomen says
Men, you making me laugh. Even the perfect women was attractive, do you think they want you as their someone? Please, just like you boys they also wanted to play along. Can your perfect women do house wife works perfectly, some of them just want their daddy to feed them while living in luxury unless you have money. Stop day dreaming about perfect women.
Capt Wade says
Pretty sure this whole issue is about why 95 percent of men won’t date fat chicks. There are no perfect people, just the laws of attraction sorting the fuckable from the unfuckable. Being fat is the first, worst turnoff. Doesn’t matter if you are a man of a woman. We locate things we want by looking for them, including prospective mates.
The initial desire is usually because we like what we see. We ignore what repulses us.
Fat is repulsive, end of story. Now, to state these facts pisses some people off. They know it’s true just as well as anybody, but they don’t want to face it. And, they did it to themselves. Nobody else put all that food in their mouths. If you indulge a bad unhealthy habit, you pay the consequences. You can’t sidestep your responsibility by claiming that someone else is “shallow” because they find your overweight condition unattractive.
Dan says
I wouldn’t say fat is repulsive. My wife has gotten fatter and fatter and I enjoy her that way. She’s happy to be able to enjoy all the food she wants, so it’s a win-win.
Paul Harris says
And Dan, good for you. Whatever makes YOU happy! BUT I am on the opposite end of the spectrum than you are and find overweight/fat people very unattractive and without argument, very unhealthy and a burden on EVERYONES health system. So just keep adding on those pounds day after day while you at the same time subtracting years from your time on this earth. Enjoy!
Dan says
Maybe being happy and not stressed about her weight counterbalances other negative effects of being overweight. Admittedly, At over 400 pounds, she does get out of breath easily.
Capt wade says
Oh, good. Now give her cigarettes, hard liquor, crystal meth, heroin, crack, because since it’s ok if she enjoys things that cause the last half of your life to really suck in misery, why just stop there?
charles says
Zoned out the second you started to try and justify being fat as a medical condition. People are biologically the same as they were 10,000 years ago. However people being fat in such large numbers wasn’t even a thing 50 years. Which means…. there is no genetic or biological problem that can explain why so many people are fat. Yes a very very very small percentage of people are fat because of medical conditions.
1) Everyone else is making a choice to be fat.
2) No being fat is not attractive or healthy.
3) Being fat shows a person is incapable of self control and that they are lazy.
Nick says
The social status one really hit hard with me when my wife got fat I was embarrassed to bring her around anyone I knew. I was in shape and very active and somehow she just kept getting bigger and bigger and if I dared bring her weight up all I got was crying and locking herself in the bathroom. So I dumped and hid all my assets and filed for divorced, now I have a gorgeous “dime” piece. Shes in salary management makes excellent money and I show her off to everyone, we both are very active and are complimented on it daily. Call it shallow, call it cruel, I call it reality you only live once and im not gonna let someones unhappiness wear we down forever.
ö says
There is a lot of sterotyping and generaliseing.. everyone does it to some degree.. sometimes people are aweful regardless of size or gender.. and individual experiences are extremely relative and is bassically a toss of the dice.. this is why people become so split sometimes.. Not all fat people fall under these stereotypes.. just like skinny people don’t.. just as not all men think the same.. and not all women think the same.. I think once people start to stop painting people with the same color brush the closer we will come to people actually being decent to each other..
That said.. everyone is entitled to their opinions.. and it is ok for men to not be attracted to something or someone for whatever reason.. they don’t have to justify themselves because it is their life and they should be able to live it however they desire so long as it they do not hurt others in the process.. Just as women and anyone in between should be able to do the same..
The thing that humans need to do tho is to learn how to accept and respect each other on a basic level since we are all human… and respect that everyone has their own ideals and wishes in life.. If someone willingly eats them selves to death.. so be it.. that is on them.. It is your own life that you lead.. but on the same page you can’t expect to scrutinize and belittle people for living a life that they choose without some backlash.. everything kind of goes hand in hand..
One thing people should stop doing though imo of course.. is stop the thought or the saying that you say awful negative things to fat people because you are trying to encourage them to change their life style.. cause it really does the exact opposite .. Only positive motivation works in a positive way..
Bob says
I agree with what you said. Everyone should be respectful to one another. But that’s an ideal. So an ideal means that that’s not how its always going to be.
Lets not pretend that women are any better. I’ve never seen a so-called traditionally beautiful sexy lady ever be with a fat ugly man unless said fat ugly man was rich. I’m not saying its impossible. Sure there are exceptions. But lets not pretend that women are some morally upstanding people with hearts of Jesus or Buddha or insert some random morally upstanding human being from history male or female with a heart of gold.
I love women but I love women as flawed beings, just as flawed but in different ways than men. But dont give me this crap that the first thing that goes through a womans mind after being with 50 hot guys that she dumps or gets dumped by is “Aw I hate this superficial crap, I really should try something different, how about that pale obsese guy next to me… its the heart that counts…”
Yeah, sure. If the content of the heart has no bearing on how someone looks, then you would see women randomly coupled with random men regardless of their looks. But nope, women are with hot or successful men mostly. And god forbid you’re a short guy, you are screwed in the dating scene.
Being rude to someone isn’t nice, but hiding the truth and letting them live in a false reality is even worse. Yes the truth hurts, but having correct information about health is not stupid.
We are not talking about some lovely curves here. We are talking about people who are 5 feet who weigh 250 to 300 pounds or more. We have become a society that pretends obseity can happen genetically. Unless you’re about to medically die from some issue, there is nothing in the entire earth forcing you to eat that much. You cannot control yourself if you eat that much.
That doesn’t make you a bad person. That means you need to get help. The problem happens when you distort the truth. (I dont have problems! > becomes > I am ok! > becomes > Why is the world the way it is! > becomes > The world is wrong! > becomes > I am opposed to the world! But its ok, because the rest of the world is evil and mean!)
Its like, yes some people are huge douchebags. it sucks. Same applies to all human beings. Get used to it. You think being a man is better? Try being a black man in the south even in 21st century USA.
Also, motivation comes in different ways for everybody. Motivation does NOT HELP YOU CHANGE YOUR LIFE. It can kickstart the change to your life, though. But its not some long lasting thing. Motivation is just a momentary thing. It may last for a second, a minute, an hour, maybe even a day or a WEEK! But it wont last forever. The rest is up to you doing shit that makes your life better even when you dont want to do it at all.
captnwade99 says
Well, if we are bei g honest, and facing reality, and not sugar-coating things, this article is informative.
If it’s just another portal to bash an inconvenient truth, then this dialog is wasted.
Here’s what I KNOW is the reality here.
1. Men are embarrassed to be seen as a loser who can’t get a hot chick. Most assume(correctly, and we all know it) that people see a guy out with a fat girl because that’s the best he can do. Because it usually is.
2. Selfish. Is a person selfish if even though they know that consuming more than they need(reduces the supply chain, raising prices, straining an already burdened healthcare system, slowing things down in lines in right spaces, which wastes other people’s time, causing delays, and financial loss…and do they care? Fuck no. They just keep right on over-eating, and watching dangerous, unhealthy “body-positivity” articles to feel better about their selfishness. They don’t give two shits about how their eating habits affect those around them. You cannot get past them in emergencies. You can’t get their spillover out of your lap in a plane. The results of their selfishness causes 80 fucking percent of the burden of our already strained to extreme healthcare system. They don’t want to admit to any of these things, because then they’d have to admit to being the single most selfish group of humanity alive.
3. You did it to yourself. Nobody else made you a fat-ass. You didn’t care enough about how your behavior is self destructive and how it burdens society. You just don’t want to hear it. You try to “demonize” the facts that illustrate this, and the people who pint it out. You call it “fat shaming”, etc. Oh well. You haveva valve in your face that is The Soultion. It’s called your Mouth. Eat Less. Problem solved. Simple, simple, simple. But, you DON’T WANT TO. SCREW EVERYBODY ELSE, SCREW THE WORLD, SCREW THE ENVIRONMENT, SCREW THE HEALTHCARE SYSYEM. I WANNA EAT ALL I WANBA EAT. FUCK EVERYBODY ELSE.
That’s a fat person. All of them
I have zero sympathy for you.
Theresa Storm says
Wow. At first I was getting ready to blast you for just ragging on fat people, but I did read the whole thing, and you have several valid points that I’ve never actually see put all in one place.
1. It’s true that they do it to themselves, and they could have prevented it by not eating enough to get fat.
2. It’s true that you cannot get fat, under any circumstances, even medical or genetic ones, unless you eat enough to get fat.
3. It’s true that the medical issues our healthcare system is so burdened with are 85% diet related, caused by obesity, therefor, preventable.
4. It’s true that excess consumerism adds to greater problems in the environment, plastics in the ocean, more energy and raw materials used in the manufacture and transportation of all that extra food and materials, medicine and healthcare costs. I had never thought of it that way. That is selfish.
I’m going to say, you are correct in your reply, and you are telling the truth no one fat wants to hear.
Funny how people get offended…by the facts. They don’t want anyone pointing it out. They ignore it and just rant on the person who stated those facts.
Smecks says
Fat people don’t deserve the same rights as humans.
Bill Dunham says
Smeck, go away. You are trolling, and just a shit stirrer. Fat people are human and deserve every right anybody deserves. All this is about is calling them out on their attempt to dodge the consequences of their habits and selfishness, and the toll it takes on everybody else, straining out healthcare system, needless depletion of resources, and adding damage to the environment.
Deepak says
I agree with the comments most of the men have made here. The only triggered ones I see are the ones who support the fat acceptance movement because of the inability to face harsh reality. If you are deflecting, know that you’re lying to yourself. But hey to each their own anyways as we live in a cancel culture setting in this day and age.
The fat acceptance propaganda is mainly being shoved down our throats by Hollywood celebs who think being overweight and morbidly obese is normal. You can just look at Lizzo as an example. She maybe a good singer but probably definitely no way considered to be gorgeous in the looks department.
From my experience hanging around men and women (slim, fit, overweight and obese), I’ve come to know that people who exercise regularly, who maintain a balanced diet, who are in the appropriate weight bracket for their age and height don’t want fat people (obese and up) due to the reasons mentioned above
niqqa balls says
the graphic couldn’t be more right. being a gif bitch isn’t something you should be proud of you fucking whale
stavros says
let me get this straight. It is offensive to women that men are attracted to slim women and not offensive to men that women are attracted to tall men and redicule short guys? hmmm. That is called real discrimination people. right there
Mark says
Double edged entitlement here guys. Woman only want tall men over 6 foot. Most men are not 6 foot plus. Men want fit woman and guess what most woman are not fit and being fit is a choice!!!! Guys can’t get taller by working out where woman can get wider by being lazy and entitled. Discrimination card towards men? Sure
Tired Ofthosefatchicks says
I am a healthy male with normal body weight who found a pretty woman who was 120lbs, claimed she jogged 5 miles a day and ate healthy, said she likes going hiking and biking and on adventures, wanted to pursue a career as a personal trainer. So after I committed myself to her she completely stopped EVERYTHING and went back to her real self. What was her real self? A big fat lazy slug who lays on her bed and watches all those stupid reality shows so she can live vicariously through other women’s lives. I had no idea that before I met her she was 200+ lbs and her husband divorced her because she was worthless. I literally got online just now and searched Google for “I can’t stand fat women” and this site popped up. What is amazing is that my soon to be ex fatassss fits everything in the graphic. I am glad to see I am not the only one who is disgusted with worthless females. Anyway, gonna get rid of her soon and find another woman who cares about her health and my sex life. If it weren’t for sex, men would have ZERO reasons to have a mate. So if you are nasty and fat, you will find yourself on the shelf soon as well.
Lennert Cornette says
MiSoGyNiSt! You should accept women for everything that they do and are.
Capt Wade says
Don’t tell us who we should accept. If we find fat to be a gross, disgusting attribute, we certainly DO NOT have to suffer with that person’s bad life choices. You say we should accept them for EVERYTHING they do? Like, stuff their face, destroy their health? We should accept them for everything they are? I see fat people Exactly for those reasons, and that is exactly why I’m repulsed.
Lennert says
I was being sarcastic mate, you are absolutely right.
Capt Wade says
My apologies. I misunderstood.
Lennert Cornette says
‘ If it weren’t for sex, men would have ZERO reasons to have a mate.’ Always wondered why women don’t understand this. I have 2 female friends. They’re the only women I would interact with in my free time if I didn’t have a libido. Men’s testosterone is women’s ally in the west. If men wouldn’t have a huge sex drive we wouldn’t deal with women anymore.
CF says
Easy there, tough guy, you can literally be replaced by a cucumber.
Lennert says
Not really. Car fixing, plumbing, building houses, paving roads etc.
While I can cook, I can clean and I can educate kids. Women are disposable, the only thing I can’t get without them is sex.
Renae says
There are women who are mechanics, plumbers, who build houses, pave roads, etc…they cook, clean and educate kids as well. Women are not disposable, men are, after they come. That’s the only reason women need from men-a few good swimmers, we can handle everything else. I really don’t know why you put such an ignorant comment. Oh that’s right, because you are ignorant & you’ve just proven it. Thanks for the assist with that. Good job.
Captnwade says
The reality here is, you are already out of options that you want….so hanging out in the produce section at Safeway is as much action as you’re gonna get.
Fat will NEVER be accepted.
Gross is never magically going to become desirable.
If a fat woman doesn’t like society’s take on her being 25 or more pounds overweight, thereby knowing(because you cannot hide the results of shitty unhealthy habit) that she will eventually add her drain to the healthcare system, driving the price up for everybody, maybe she should have thought of that before she bought herself the $500 Baskin Robbins giftcard.
And you fat useless fucks try to make it “un-pc” to point it out? Good luck fat fuck.
Hot chicks get all the action….you fatties get a cucumber. That’s the way it is. Reality is a bitch, huh?
Christopher Hernandez says
Truth hurts don’t it?
Paul Harris says
The good news is that if you are really fat, you will be harder to kidnap……..(DAMN)
Dan says
This is interesting to me. After we started going out, my girlfriend (now wife) started gaining weight. I admitted that I found her more attractive with the added weight and encouraged her to continue. She loves to eat and was happy to be able to indulge without worry. Over the 20 years since we met, she has continued to eat as much as she wants and now weighs over 400 pounds. I still find her super attractive. Guess my status is not as high as when she was slim, but I don’t care.
Lennert Cornette says
Yeah, that’s called a ‘fet fetish’. Imagine if you’d die or leave her, than she would have to look for another guy with fat fetish because no regular men like obese women.
Dan says
I think that if I died, she would eat away her sadness.
Chrissa says
This infographic is cruel and offensive, and does not speak for everyone. There is no one universal truth as to what men find attractive. Over time, across different cultures, and across different people within the same culture, preferences vary widely. This infographic represents the author’s opinion. Some men will agree, others disagree. That said, I’m not sure why he felt the need to publish this, other than boost himself at the expense of others. Seriously, what’s wrong with him? Is this how he validates himself? Real men don’t feel the need to publicly shame others just to feel good about themselves.
That said, it’s true that we often can’t help what we find attractive. We’re either attracted to certain traits or we’re not, whether programmed by nature or through socialization. There’s nothing wrong with feeling how we feel. We can’t help it. But what we can control is how we treat other people. There is no need to be disrespectful or hurtful toward others. Ever.
Anyone who feels they are the target of the infographic, please don’t take it to heart. Sure, you can’t get a date with the infographic author, or the subset of men who agree with him. But would you even want to? Also, they do not represent ALL men, so don’t waste any time wondering if it’s “true.”
Lennert Cornette says
1) nobody has the right to be not offended, that is your problem, not society’s.
2)Yes there is, 95% of men like hourglass or slim figure, nice legs and nice ass.
3) ‘real men’ do whatever they please and don’t let themselves be shamed by women’s opinion.
4) ‘But would you even want to? Also, they do not represent ALL men, so don’t waste any time wondering if it’s “true.”
You are right, fat people should date other fat people and believe me, it’s true. Since it is estimated that only 0,05% of fat people is fat due to medical conditions it’s absolutely true that most men, who are fit themselves, don’t want fat women.
Paul Harris says
Just be honest with yourself……..LOSE the weight and you WILL be happier about yourself and you WILL find more good relationships and you WILL be healthier throughout your life. It is up to YOU to do the work and make the effort to make the change. Don’t play the victim and blame others for ANY issues in your life….,.,,,,,Make the change and be in charge of your life.
Capt Wade says
The Infographic author is a woman. Maybe you should fact check a bit before posting.
Kev says
My wife is fat, I mean, I met her when she was a little chubby but I had low self esteem and was inexperienced, and she has a pretty face and is so kind and not selfish at all, she does everything for me. and I thought she was hot. As the years have went on she’s gained a bit more. but we also have an open marriage , which allowed me to have sex with all sorts of women, a lot of thin women, and it’s made me realize how unattracted I am to fat women. The arrangement works well, because she is able to find guys who like fat women and I can mess with the skinny women i find attractive
But it still is difficult because I WANT my wife to be attarctive to me… i mean other guys find her attractive but i do not. Am I wrong for wanting her to lose weight?
That being said I mostly agree with the picture even though it is a bit harsh
Lennert says
The problem is that you choose her when she was fat. Imo it’s not really fair that you now want her to be thin. Women have the luck though, that lots of men find fat women hot, I must see yet a thin woman with a fat guy who is not rich or a ‘bear’ (fat put also really strong), those couples barely exist.
But wishing your wife would be HEALTHY and lose wait isn’t wrong.
Christopher says
But ***WHY*** is it like this?
Men EVOLVED to be this way because the men who were attracted to fat women DIED out through natural selection.
During long frozen winters when he could barely hunt any food – she ate more than him and he starved or froze.
During siege, she didn’t ration her food and the entire community had to surrender – the women were enslaved and the men killed.
Fleeing from enemies, she moved too slowly and was captured (he was killed).
I would venture women aren’t attracted to short, skinny, weak men for EXACTLY the same reason… evolution.
CF says
I dunno, during a food shortage, having stores would have been an advantage. More likely to carry that baby to term. (working under this framework you’re assuming, even though I don’t ascribe to it because I think there’s more to evolution than reproduction and fitness)
And I love short skinny men, they are the most appealing to me physically speaking. But it’s all in the brains, really. A short skinny brainiac can tear you a new one, and then we’ll talk about who is weak.
Jordan Mckenzie says
unless you consider anime loving basement live at home jobless redditors men, then yes all men think like this.
LadyDoc says
If being fat was so great, fat women would date fat men. Some will, most will get on twitter and whine about fat privilege and complain that guys with gym bodies won’t date them.
Jrook says
Like most things its not about the answers or in this case symbols that cause the problems in life, but the questions we are asking. And in this case the question should not be about when or how it is appropriate to comment negatively on when being fat is no longer healthy or attractive. And please spare us the thyroid or other health issues that might be responsible for being overweight. Those represent a very, very, very, very small (pun intended) percent of the causes of obesity. The overwhelming causes are over eating, eating unhealthy and lack of exercise. ALL of which are in the control of the individual. So the question is why are people spending time asking ignorant questions regarding why a particularly brash commentary on why obese women are undesirable is offensive, but rather why is over eating, eating unhealthy and lack of exercise something that anyone should defend or try and justify. At the end of the day being overweight is covered under the great metaphor of “We All Write Our Own Story” and if we don’t like the way the story reads, well then we need to change the story. But similar to authors, wasting time criticizing the readers because they don’t like your story, doesn’t make you a better writer. Just like over eating, eating unhealthy and not exercising makes you a courageous or better person than those who comment negatively on the results of your inaction.
Lennert says
‘Those represent a very, very, very, very small (pun intended) percent of the causes of obesity.’ Lots of people think it’s about 10%, studies say it’s about 0,05%. I’ll link it here, here, hope I can find it again.
pablo says
Stop with the “better person” than those making the negative comments about fat people. FAT IS FAT. It is unattractive, unhealthy and costly in ways to you and ME. Saying they are courageous is insane and just coddling the fat women and creates a very hollow sense of support. Let a fat woman tell a man she is courageous for staying fat and let me know how her dating scene goes in the REAL world. Set goals to lose the weight and change the unhealthy lifestyle…….THAT is courageous.
Brett Grantham says
Amen. This country messed up when they started handing out BS Participation Trophies
dane says
fat people arent attractive. male or female, if someone is fat only someone with a fat fettish would find them attractive. im sadly stuck in a marriage w a man that has ballooned up, and as much as he says he finds fat women unattractive (i agree) he refuses to do anything to loose weight.
thats what affairs are for lol
Lennert says
Can’t stand fat people who don’t want their partner to be fat. Is it that hard to eat healthy and work out, for yourself AND to look good for your partner? Why don’t you encourage him to sport?
Simon says
Well, it’s accurate and most men feel this way to some degree, though most are too cautious to say it openly. Why would anyone want to date someone who cannot even maintain their own body?
It may be uncomfortable but that’s just life I’m afraid.
Paul Harris says
Women will continue to complain about the unrealistic body image that is portrayed in the modeling/glamour/advertising world only because it gets between them and their double stuffed twinkie or triple cheese/extra sausage pizza. FAT is nasty and these stores such as Target that have increased their line of FAT women clothes and display ads and over sized mannequins in the store is just condoning unhealthy lifestyles that make women think they are justified pigging out at the food trough. DIET/SELF CONTROL/BEING RESPONSIBLE/…..JUST DO IT!!!
Paul Harris says
Looks like a bunch of 45%’ers put down their box of double stuffed oreo cookies to type some VERY hateful replies. I think the comments about their fat “disorder” pushed them over the edge. The first step is to admit to your problem and do something about it ladies!!!!
Lennert says
I got a notification of 7 comments at once. Probably just one onbese woman with multiple usernames. Kinda hilarious how salty they are.
Paul Harris says
Instead of these women just ignoring all the comments we men are making here and moving on, they let it get under their skin and go far far beyond the 45 crazy mark with comments that show how right we are and TRYING to have the last word.
Paul Harris says
Happy Thanksgiving everyone and now is the time to keep an eye on the calories if you are REAL AND COMITTED to staying fit and conscience of your weight control. Do not over eat through the Holidays and then become confused in January why you ballooned to an XL+. DO the work NOW to keep fit and HEALTHY and attractive for everyone’s benefit and reap the rewards of looking healthy, fit and slim. Guys will love you for it!!!!!!
HO HO HO and be safe all!!!!!
Stop the fatties says
fat bitches be gross!
Clearly you’re a fatty. Nothing more needs saying.
Paddy Devlin says
When I was a kid, an obese child or teenager was a rarity. Now it is common. What has changed? No more running and playing outside, and no more eating relatively healthy meals. Instead, everybody is on their phones, texting or playing video games. Many fill up on junk food day and night. And gain and gain and gain. It is the rare young person who actually has a medical issue causing them to be obese. It is due to lack of movement and eating more than is burned off. The trend to accept and beautify obesity is NOT healthy. No one should be shamed, but they should be encouraged to get to a healthy weight – for themselves and their health!
Clive Christian says
Contrarily, it’s absolutely true. It tells fat women all the objective reasons why men consider them repulsive and generally disgusting.
Fat women’s must realize that THIS IS THE TRUTH, whether they accept it or not. Here’s my instruction to all women above 60 kilograms: STOP FEEDING YOURSELVES! TAKE 21 DAYS OF PROLONGED FASTING. Then welcome back among civilized humans.
EnglishPerson says
Is this a joke? I hope it is, because doing a crash diet and fasting like that can absolutely wreck your health. Besides which, 60kg is considered underweight for tall women, and even 70kg is a healthy weight for some. Also, weight gain is influenced by genes as well as lifestyle. This comment, if it is serious, shows the kind of thinking which causes eating disorders.
Paul says
Haha, truth hurts, doesn’t it?
Keep it up you “plus size” women, give us more funny Material to laugh
Ryan says
My issue isn’t even in the top 10… LOL. Apparently, I’m in the minority of men who are quickly tired of a woman telling me that I make her feel fat by being active and not eating fried foods. Going to the gym? Jogging with my dog? Yoga? By her response, you’d think that I was doing cocaine off of a stripper’s ass.
space waves says
We need to challenge these narratives and promote a more inclusive understanding of beauty and value.