Ever wondered about cortisone shots for acne? You are in the right place for the most thorough, first hand review of these “pimple shots” that can deflate the toughest blemish in a couple of days.
But let’s start at the beginning: You know that old saying about God laughing when you make plans? Apparently it applies to skincare and beauty beliefs as well.
Else why would someone like me, who has always vowed to keep away from anything injectable / cuttable / scalpable for my face be lying flat on my back in a dermatologist’s clinic, willingly submitting to three scary-looking injections being poked into me chin and forehead?
In my defence, the syringe was full of a cortisone solution and not Botox.
And the problem was two humungous, painful zits that just wouldn’t go away and were impossible to camouflage with even industrial-strength makeup.
Plus, I had a huge ‘do to attend in about three days and a pimply, bumpy face is definitely not the best networking accessory!
So, as a last resort, I made an appointment for a “pimple injection” — in other words, a cortisone shot for acne. And here is the entire experience.
What is a cortisone shot for acne?
Which brings us to the question: What exactly is a cortisone shot with reference to the skin and its blemishes?
Intralesional corticosteroid injections — often simply known as steroid or cortisone shots — are used to treat mammoth pimples that live deep under the surface of the skin and are hence resistant to topical medications like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid or tretinoin.
These acne shots contain a diluted corticosteroid (cortisone is a natural chemical which is released in our bodies to tackle inflammation; it should not should not be confused with “anabolic steroid”, which is a drug used for increased strength and muscle size) into inflamed acne lesions.
When should I look at a cortisone shot for my pimple?
If you have a severe acne spot that rests deep under your skin and is not coming to a head, it’s time to consult your dermatologist for a cortisone shot as it may be the most effective treatment for these painful bumps.
Not only are these pimples often painful and usually cystic (which means they contain pus), they can take anywhere upto to three months to heal on their own.
By which time, the surrounding skin is so damaged that you will definitely have a scar for years to come.
A deep seated cystic pimple may also spread the bacteria to surrounding areas if it ruptures under the skin — leading to chronic skin issues such as persistent cystic acne.
A pimple shot, on the other hand, speeds up healing and dramatically reduces inflammation.
Over the next 72 hours, the blemish softens and flattens out by 40-60%. Most lesions heal within a week after treatment.
That’s why they are often referred to as pimple killer treatments!
Acne injections also lessen the chance of the pimple leaving any scars as they reduce its intensity before the skin tissue suffers too much damage. This is especially valuable if you are prone to scarring or hyperpigmentation.
What are the potential side effects of cortisone injections for acne?
There is little risk of any major side effects with a pimple shot as long as you take the intralesional cortisone injections in a safe, sterilised space under the supervision of a medical doctor.
After the pimple deflates, you may get a “sunken pit” where the blemish used to be but this is temporary and usually vanishes within a month.
Another one of the possible side effects is hypopigmentation, where skin in the area of treatment becomes lighter than the rest of the face. This also resolves on its own in a few weeks.
However, remember that this is a medical subject and you should always take the cortisone shot for acne at a board-certified dermatologist clinic — not at a spa!
Those doctors know what they are doing, and nobody else should be allowed to inject anything into your skin. EVER. For example, while intralesional steroid injections are safe, an unskilled person may inject too much cortisone, which can then enter the bloodstream and upset your immune system.
Does the pimple shot hurt?
Ok, science lesson over — back to the real world.
Knowing how squeamish I am about pain (and about syringes coming into my face!), my doc first numbed the area with chilled ice water towels.
Then, she injected the spot with the acne cortisone injections (my pimple needed three shots with the tiny needle) and quickly followed up with another ice pad.
And honestly, it really wasn’t that painful, though I did let out a few yelps and did not think it was the most comfortable sensation.
However, someone who has ever suffered the pain of severe inflammatory acne breakouts will know this is a small price to pay in comparison.
Good thing is that the entire process was over in about 20 seconds and there was no pain afterwards. All I had to do was take an anti-allergic pill and then go about my day as normal.
The cost? Around US$125.
How fast does a pimple shot work in real life?
Here is the exact timeline:
By nighttime (roughly six hours after the shot), I had some redness at the injection site.
By the next morning, the acne lesion was much less obvious and the pain had vanished.
A day later, there was almost no sign of that very large acne cyst — and none of the scarring that I had suffered from similar monstrosities in the past.
Would I take a pimple shot again?
Definitely, especially if there is an important event or the pimple is super painful!
However, I would only go for severe breakouts of the mammoth kind that don’t respond well to topical treatments — not your regular, everyday standard pimple.
Which leads me to wonder whether I change my mind about other dermatological interventions in the future when the need actually arises?
Is the next stop — gulp! — Botox?
What about you? Have any of you gotten cortisone shots for acne? Or dealt in any other was with a painful pimple that was panic inducing?
Anubha Charan is a powerhouse in the luxury beauty industry, with over 15 years of expertise shaping the global beauty narrative. As the former Beauty Director at Marie Claire, she worked with the magazine's French headquarters to craft cutting-edge beauty content for international audiences.
Anubha's bylines have appeared in some of the world’s most prestigious publications, including Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Travel + Leisure, WebMD, and Architectural Digest. She is also the co-author of Paris Bath & Beauty, a Simon & Schuster book on French beauty rituals.
Aparna Jain says
I have had cortisone shots on my shoulders but for a condition called Keloids. Raised bumps – external scar tissue. Painful but it helps. I doubt will do this though. Have discovered an amazing Ayurvedic cream that has made my zits disappear. At barely Rs 300 a month.
Anubha Charan says
What cream is that? Would love to try it!
Lil Miss Shanghai says
Good option next time I need to get rid of them! I can’t deal with cystic acne… can’t pop them, can’t pick them, can’t get rid of them!
Anubha Charan says
Exactly! And it’s so tough to cover them with makeup. Plus when they do start going away, the skin on that site becomes super-dry and flakey. Have you also had this experience?
Stephanie C says
I am in India (Mumbai right now) travelling from Canada. I’ve never had a cortisone shot in the past but I think I need it now for a cyst I’ve developed on my chin. Do you know how I can go about finding a good doctor to do this?
anubha says
You should go to Dr. Jamuna Pai’s clinic – she is one of the best in India. Call up 67431712 or 23638699 and ask for Binny. Tell her you got the recommendation from me and she will try and slot you in asap. They have clinics both in town and the suburbs, so you can also ask her which will be closest to you. Hope this helps!
haymee says
The cortisol shot is so eeffective, I tried it whenever I have Diamond peel Session. My pimples really subsides within the next day..
chris says
where can i get these shots done in the uk
swathi lalam says
i need help for steriod acne
Denice says
I had cortizone shot it my acne which caused a “sunken” skin. They say it will come back in 2 to 3 months. So i am hoping it would do so because it looks really ugly 🙁
Denice says
in my acne*
Courtney says
I had a similar experience 3 years ago. I ended up getting it filled in with a dermal filler.
Gia says
I just got my cortisone shot today because of a cystic pimple , the pimple was drained about 2 weeks ago with a lance and I still felt a ball under the skin ! I couldn’t take it anymore so I decided to get the shot, I’m super nervous that it will leave a mark but I felt like it was the only way. I’m putting neosporin on it tonight hopefully this mark and pimple will soon be gone
Justin says
How did it turn out and did the neosporin help? I just got a cortisone injection but am more worried about the redness and discoloration around it as it is on my cheek?
Bridget says
I thought cortisone was used to treat arthritis! It was invented by Dr. Percy Lavon Julian and when did they start using it on acne?
Katie Davis says
Hey there! I wanted to share my experience to let people know that everyone reacts differently. I decided to post on this page because when I got my first cortisone shot I used this page as a reference guide multiple times and found it very helpful, but I had the wrong expectations!
I got my cortisone shot on a Monday, and my bump wasn’t completely gone until Saturday, and it still left some redness. If you don’t see the 48- hour results like you expected, don’t be discouraged! Your derm may have injected a smaller amount of cortisone to avoid the pitted scar from happening, which is actually a good thing. So if you’re like me and were expecting to wake up pimple-free and didn’t, just give it a few more days and I assure you it will work its magic. Don’t pick or try to pop it, because in a matter of a few more days you will be amazed at how much it decreases in size everyday, it is just a slower process for some people. (Still better than a huge pimple that takes months to heal and scars over!)
Hope I helped!
terri says
I agree , but my spot was healing and then a few days later it got inflameed again. I pulled opposite the cyst and white stuff came out and releved the pressure.now my skin feels slat . I feel the shots aren’t helping they keep coming back
estela says
I had a cortisone shot mysel, on my fore head area in early Dec 2015 an I’m going crazy it left a “sunken so of speak on my forehead.. hope it goes away!! Someone help!
Gabrielle says
Did the sunken mark fill in and if so how long did it take?
Priya says
Do u know someone who can inject a cortisone shot in Jalandhar Punjab ?
Priya says
Or in New Delhi . Please help
Cathy says
I lived in Maryland n close to Washington DC area. Need your advise where can I get cortizone shot for acne ? Name of derma doctor is doing it? Thanks and appreciate if anyone who know n share?
Lainey says
I have roses is and am pregnant. I can not take my meds to control this. I have a huge cyst on my chin that is larger than a quarter and swollen. And at least 10 small pimples clustered right there together. I had my first cortisone injection on Thursday and it did diminish some but today is Sunday and still incredibly swollen and very painful. Can another shot be administered into the same lesion? And how soon after? I’ve tried everything to keep Rosesia under control but have had nothing but problems for the last few months.
Integra says
Hi, i think i have boil or cyst (no head so im not sure) on my inner thigh.. i got cortisone shot today.. i’m just wondering if it’s normal that it is still painful and stingy. Thanks
The Best Custom Boxes says
You really did a great job. You defined each and every thing precisely using pictorials so one can easily find out the type and take required care before taking shots
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Thank you very much for your efforts and explanations. It’s been fun working with you. You could do better than you did in the past. I found the information on this page to be very helpful.
Brittany Friend says
I’ve never gotten the pimple shot or cortisone shot, but it seems worth it !
Makeup Artist in Jalandhar says
Thank you for your Fantastic article.