A new day, another bit of news about XYZ blog getting a multimillion dollar boost from angel investors. Screaming industry headlines about a blogger designing a range of makeup for a cooler-than-cool beauty brand or putting their name on an edgy collection of accessories. Blog streams filled to choking with syndicated posts that have gotten their writers thousands of dollars as payment. Often couched as a first person product review. Or maybe we should focus on those bright and beautiful gift bags – called ‘swag’ in industry terms – that land up at desks every week.
And what about all those mammoth teams that run so many of these blogs – complete with zillions of writers, designers, brand managers, publicists, marketing guys, sales teams, SEO experts and number crunchers?
What, I often wonder, happened to the good old days (read 2 years back, give or take a few months) when a blog was as individualistic, personal, say-it-as-you-see-it form of media possible? When people ask me why I made the mammoth jump from magazines to blogs (normal people, I believe, take the opposite route) the answer was clear in my head: magazines tend to sell their soul to advertisers, have impossibly high overheads and writers get too caught up with inter-departmental logistics, chasing paper trails or helping support sales to actually do much writing. Added bonus: not having a large team (in my case, not having any team) means no office politics. Which I dread.
But good things don’t last, do they? Today, it seems you need a few million dollars and hip office spaces to run that blog. You need a huge team, loads of paid publicity, more extracurricular activities than writing time (appearances, YouTube, brand endorsements, paid posts, etc etc etc).
Which brings me to my current quandary: In the past 6 months, I’ve had two super-fabulous offers from leading digital companies that want to buy out thebeautygypsy.com. While I am thrilled that this blog, which started from less than nothing 3 years back, has now crossed a million hits every month and is attracting this kind of attention, the concept just doesn’t sit well with me. Guess I am still a little old fashioned.
To me, all of you come to a blog vis-a-vis a magazine because of its honesty and individual personality. As a reader, I would believe a blogger far more than a magazine when they recommend a product – because their world is personal, immediate and in sync with “normal” people. And this simply can’t happen when you become part of a conglomerate.
To that end, I don’t accept any free samples from brands. When you see a review, it’s a product bought with my own money. The advertising comes from syndicates, so I am not beholden to play nice with any specific company. If, on a very rare occasion, I do accept a larger advertorial from the syndicate, it’s clearly marked out as being from BlogHer and the sponsoring brand. Plus, it will never be for a product that I haven’t tested extensively and use on my own.
And despite the fact that it gets overwhelming at times, I am the only writer, editor, photo researcher and layout person on this blog. All incidentals – and trust me, those illustrations cost a pretty penny – are paid out by the advertising money and my own savings. And a one-time loan of $3,000 by my parents when everything was crashing and burning around me. At the end of the day, I often break even (touch wood!) and my life’s prime necessities – BOOKS – are paid for by the Amazon affiliate program.
More often than not, this means pissed off PR people and brand managers. And your name being left off the list for glittering champagne lunches and indulgent media trips. But is that what one blogs for anyway? A gift bag, a couple of flutes of Moet and some fawning pats on the back? I did enough of that as a magazine editor and have no further desire to trade in my voice and independence for social leverage or a free lunch.
And in doing this, I’ve taught myself HTML coding, the basics of graphic design, Photoshop, Illustrator, photography… and a whole other set of skills that have no connect with my degrees in English literature, law and journalism.
I don’t say that bloggers should not be making money. Or getting a name. Of course, we all need it. And deserve it. Often more than some others, because we are pumping so much of it back into our little blogging universe. And if one calculates the salary we would be getting for similar jobs in the print industry, the numbers may well be through the roof.
But I do think that we need some moderation. Some discretion. Otherwise we may well be headed towards a second internet implosion with gazillions of dissatisfied readers, impossibly high overheads, cookie cutter content and explosive teams. After all, when you follow the magazines in structure and methods, you will also follow them in future prospects. Over the edge of the abyss.
So, yes. After some thought, I said no to both those offers. And for that I have to thank all of you. Thank you getting The Beauty Gypsy to a place where some of the hottest names in world media want to integrate it into their empires. And thank you even more for giving me the courage to decline the temptations of big money and a boosted status quo, all in one stroke. The fact that you come back every day to this blog, with your time, comments and social media shares means the world to me. And I wouldn’t risk or sacrifice that link for everything.
So, thank you.
And. Rant. Over.
Back to you: Do you think blogs need to remain independent? Or should we grab the deals and go with the flow? What’s your advice? What would you do?
Anubha Charan is a powerhouse in the luxury beauty industry, with over 15 years of expertise shaping the global beauty narrative. As the former Beauty Director at Marie Claire, she worked with the magazine's French headquarters to craft cutting-edge beauty content for international audiences.
Anubha's bylines have appeared in some of the world’s most prestigious publications, including Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Travel + Leisure, WebMD, and Architectural Digest. She is also the co-author of Paris Bath & Beauty, a Simon & Schuster book on French beauty rituals.
Dollie says
Thank you for writing such a wonderful, honest, unbiased blog. I enjoy reading your blog and love those pretty illustrations.
Since you have quit the publishing world and started your blog, the offers from “syndicates” might not be appealing but for most of the bloggers (including me) it would seriously be very tempting indeed. Especially since we don’t know what real price we would have to pay for a deal such as that. For me, at the moment, just getting emails from my readers saying that they enjoy reading my blog or even asking me for tips and tutorials, makes me feel wonderful.
Honestly, I don’t know what I would do were I in your place coz it’s highly improbable and I can’t imagine such a situation. I guess I would be thrilled and flattered….And would I accept the offer? I don’t know….
(sorry for the long essay)
Rosamaria says
Thank you for such a great blog!!! Your postings everyday make the day for lots of readers that enjoy having someone taking care of the researches that most of us do not do.. For that. Thank you for keeping your humility and simpleness to refuse the big offer and keep giving us your daily blog!!!
Aditi says
*standing up and clapping*
In a world where we tend to make business out of everything, its refreshing to read someone who’s not plugging/selling. Big bucks or otherwise, I think your content is priceless – I mean, who could even put a price on your grandmum’s marvellous hibiscus-oil remedy?! Thank you and warm hugs.
Anya says
I admire you ! The beauty gypsy is exactly what her name suggests : bold, beautiful, and uncompromising when it comes to her freedom. All the money in the world couldn’t buy your priceless advice anyway.
Sammi says
One of the reasons I keep coming back to your blog is because of your honesty! I really admire that and only wish more bloggers did the same. I feel more blogs should remain independent as it shows another side to blogging rather than the pr sample fueled beauty blogs which are so popular.
junoesque says
Lovely to read this post. Follow your heart and go with the flow. Keep rocking.
Sweets says
It is so impressing and inspiring that you have done this on your own.
I think its great that you have stayed independent and blog about what you want to blog about rather than blogging for big companies.
Rebecca Ellis says
This is definitely an eye opener for me, since I’m quite new to blogging I didn’t even realise such a thing was possible, but then again I was a bit of hermit before I joined the community haha!
It’s wonderful to stumble upon a blog that speaks openly and honestly, especially about this topic! and I am glad as a new reader that you didn’t hand over your blog, because I have been enjoying myself here 🙂 x
Tina says
Your post has moved the debate fodwarr. Thanks for sharing!
Jess says
You are a true lady.
Tank you so much for not selling out, we need more of your kind
Keep up the good work!!
Jess says
Oops, I meant thank you!
Roberta says
I might be beatnig a dead horse, but thank you for posting this!
Cheryl says
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
You are a very talented writer. I’ve enjoyed reading your posts, as they’re always filled with such valuable information.
It’s evident that many long hours, hard work, and a ton of research goes into your blog.
As a reader, I am very grateful and appreciate what you do 🙂
Thank you for not selling out, because your blog is more than just something for me to read… It’s been incredibly inspiring and has helped me in so many ways.
As tempting as that offer was for you, I truly admire how you stood by your morals.
Hang in there!! We’ll all be here, eagerly waiting to read your next amazing post!! 😀